Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Effects Of Slavery On African American Communities

In the seventeenth century, European colonists utilized the vast land in North America for large-scale farming. The successful planting of several crops led to a massive demand for these products. The cultivation of these plants was labor intensive, and the declining availability of white indentured servants made white planters turn towards slave labor. In the book The Half Has Never Been Told, author Edward Baptist described the productivity of slave labor on the plantations and its contribution to the United States’ economy. In addition, he remarked the devastating effects of slavery on African-American communities. Slaves faced degradation, brutality, sexual exploitation, and inadequate living conditions. Some colonists viewed slavery was immoral and inhumane and supported the abolition of this practice. However, this issue continued to exist in the early American republic because of slavery’s immense role in driving the national economy and the protection of slavery by the Constitution and Southern politicians. The institution of slavery was necessary to maintain high production rate. Following the revolt of poor and armed whites in Bacon’s rebellion in 1676, Southern economy switched toward black slave labor. Unlike white indentured servants, slaves were properties. Planters felt that the rules and obligations of being a good humanitarian did not apply to slaves, which justified their cruelty. Edward Baptist noted that â€Å"Sarah Wells remembered that near Warren County,Show MoreRelatedTheme Summary : Abolition Of Slavery 978 Words   |  4 PagesTheme: Abolition of Slavery Image: Photograph Depicting Boy Tied to Post The image viewed and analyzed for the purposes of this assignment is representative of an excellent piece that contributes to the abolishing slavery theme. 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