Thursday, September 3, 2020


Transporter Intelligence Report Deutsche Post DHL March 2013 Table of substance Key monetary figures Key partner figures Macro condition Market and buyers 3 4 5 6 Corporate and media Governance and methodology Quarterly execution Corporate execution Business units 7 8 9 10 11 â€Å"Thanks to our essence in the world’s development showcases, the DHL divisions performed especially powerfully in money related year 2012 and assumed a key job in expanding our solidified revenue† Dr.Frank Appel, CEO Operations Human assets Corporate duty Acquisitions and divestments Product dispatches 12 13 14 15 16 Key public statements Outlook and targets 17 19 Key budgetary figures Express division helps income by 9. 5% in 2012 Income Statement Total income EBIT edge net revenue Staff expenses to income proportion Balance Sheet Total non-current resources Total current resources Total quity Total non-current liabilities Total current liabilities Current proportion Return on capital utilize d Gearing proportion Cash stream Net income from working exercises Net income from putting away exercises Net income from financing exercises Net increment/(decline) in real money and money reciprocals Revenue by division Mail Parcels and Express Logistics and Freight EBIT by division Mail Parcels and Express Logistics and Freight 2010 53,605. 0 3. 4% 4. 9% 31. 0% 2011 54,879. 0 4. 4% 2. 3% 30. 5% 2012 57,680. 0 4. 6% 3. 1% 30. 8% Change 5. 1% 0. 2 0. 9 0. 3 LCU, m % LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m % 24,493. 13,270. 0 10,696. 0 13,844. 0 13,223. 0 1. 00 7. 5% 56. 4% 21,225. 0 17,183. 0 11,199. 0 8,587. 0 18,622. 0. 92 12. 3% 43. 4% 21,832. 0 12,289. 0 12,164. 0 9,332. 0 12,625. 0. 97 12. 4% 43. 4% 2. 9% - 28. 5% 8. 6% 8. 7% - 32. 2% 0. 05 †LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m 1,927. 0 8. 0 (1,651. 0) 284. 0 2,371. 0 (1,129. 0) (1,547. 0) (305. 0) (203. 0) (1,697. 0) 1,199. 0 (701. 0) †LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m 13,822. 0 10,788. 0 26,707. 0 13,877. 0 11,309. 0 27,578. 0 13,874. 0 12,3 78. 0 29,209. 0. 0% 9. 5% 5. 9% IPC Statistical Database LCU, m LCU, m LCU, m 148,066. 0 88,384. 0 614. 0 147,434. 0 85,496. 0 802. 146,923. 0 84,623. 0 928. 0 †Source: Deutsche Post DHL yearly reports 2010-2012, IPC examination Note: Change speaks to year-on-year advancement from 2011 3 IPC Carrier Intelligence Report †Deutsche Post DHL Key partner figures Share cost up by practically 40% more than 2012 Shares Share value, year-end Earnings per share Human assets Average full-time reciprocals Average low maintenance workers Women in the board Absenteeism rate EOS reaction rate Total representative fulfillment Employee commitment Customer file Business consumer loyalty Consumer fulfillment Sustainability Total CO2 discharges LCU 010 12. 09 2. 10 2011 11. 88 0. 96 2012 16. 6 1. 37 Change 39. 7% †% 421,274 63,126 17. 0% 7. 4% 79. 0% 73. 0 67. 0 423,348 65,322 17. 6% 7. 4% 80. 0% 76. 0 n/a 428,287 62,523 18. 5% 7. 6% 80. 0% 76. 0 n/a 1. 2% - 4. 3% 0. 9 0. 2 0. 0. 0 n/a n /a n/a 95. 0 n/a 96. 0 1. 0 t 28,400,000 28,200,000 n/a Retail organize Wholly-claimed retail outlets Contracted retail outlets Delivery execution Domestic letter quality execution (D+1) Domestic letter quality USO prerequisite (D+1) Domestic bundle quality execution Domestic package expected business-day conveyance Domestic letter and package ratesStandard letter, 0-20g Standard letter, 20-50g Economy bundle, 2-3kg 2 19,998 2 19,998 n/a n/a % 95. 4% 80% n/a n/a 95. 4% 80% n/a n/a n/a 80% n/a n/a 0. 0 â‚ ¬ 0. 55 0. 90 6. 90 0. 55 0. 90 6. 90 0. 55 0. 90 6. 90 0. 0% 0. 0% 0. 0% Source: Deutsche Post DHL yearly reports 2010-2012, IPC examination Note: Change speaks to year-on-year improvement from 2011 4 IPC Carrier Intelligence Report †Deutsche Post DHL Germany: large scale condition Low joblessness and higher wages will lift economy in 2013 Economics †¢ % 4% 2% 0% - 2% - 4% - 6% 07 08 09 10 11 Inflation 12 13 14 15 16 17 Trade Exports: â‚ ¬1,034,140. 5m (? 8. 0%) 1. France 9. 6% 2. US 6. 9% 3. Netherlands 6. 4% 4. China 6. 1% 5. Joined Kingdom 6. 0% Machinery and transport hardware, synthetic substances and food, drink and tobacco Demographics †¢ 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Unemployment rate GDP, consistent costs: â‚ ¬2,436,330m GDP, current costs: â‚ ¬2,570,080m GDP per capita: â‚ ¬29,729. 4 (? 3%) GDP per capita (PPP-balanced): â‚ ¬25,756. 3 (? 0. %) GDP identified with farming: 1% GDP identified with industry: 26% (? 4 rate focuses) GDP identified with administration: 73% (? 4 rate focuses) 348,672 km2 81,770,000 occupants (? 0. 2%) 234. 5 occupants for every km2 Median age: 44. 9 years (second) Corruption discernment: 8. 0 (? 0. 1) 39. 9m families Broadband supporters: 31. 6% Urban populace: 73. 8% Employed populace: 50. 2% Imports: â‚ ¬880,951. 0m (? 9. 7%) 1. Netherlands 12. 9% 2. France 7. 6% 3. China 7. 1% 4. Belgium 6. 2% 5. Italy 5. 4% Machinery and transport hardware, synthetic substances a nd mineral energizes and greases Real GDP growthEconomic standpoint The German economy is relied upon to recoup from a feeble end to 2012 with development from the primary quarter of 2013. With sends out anticipated to recoup and retail deals encountering an invite recuperation, assessed GDP development ranges from 0. 6 to 1. 3% in 2013 (2014: 1. 5 to 2. 4%). Joblessness is as of now at its least for two decades, with business confronting a lack of talented work. Boosts in compensation of up to 6. 5% granted in 2012 should support purchaser assumption through to 2014. The sound viewpoint is relied upon to produce improved open accounts, turning the government spending shortage to surplus in 2013.Source: The business analyst †Pocket World in Figures 2012 Edition, IMF, Bloomberg, ITC Trade Map, CIA World Factbook, ITU, Transparency International, IPC investigation Note: Brackets speak to year-on-year advancement from 2010 or world positioning 5 IPC Carrier Intelligence Report â⠂¬ Deutsche Post DHL Germany: showcase and buyers Increasing number of shoppers buying on the web Logistics advertise (bn T-km) Inland conduits 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Financial administrations showcase (â‚ ¬bn) Road 9,000 - 8% 8,000 7,000 6,000 - 9% 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Assets, all banks +11% Commentary Rail 2007 2008 2009 2010 2007 2008 009 2010 2011 According to the most recent accessible figures, while German street cargo developed by just 1. 8% in 2010 to 313bn Tonnekilometres (T-km), rail and conduits each extended by around 12% to 107 and 62bn T-km individually. Bank-possessed resources expanded by 11% over the fiveyear period to â‚ ¬8. 46tn. Family utilization developed by 1. 5% in 2011 in the wake of revising for expansion, fuelling a German retail showcase which has stayed consistent in spite of the emergency in the Eurozone. The extent of reviewed buyers buying on the web developed by 6 rate focuses (p. p. ) in 2011 to 54%, and normal development since 2002 has been over 4 p. . Broadband infiltration is by all accounts arriving at a level, with an expansion of a large portion of a p. p. in 2011. Utilization use Private last utilization use, development 2. 0% Online buying propensities Last online buy over the most recent 3 months Last online buy over a year back/never requested 100% Digitisation Internet clients Broadband supporters 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% half 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1. 5% 90% 80% 70% 60% half 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1. 0% 0. 5% 0. 0% - 0. 5% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011Source: Eurostat, ITU, OECD, IPC investigation Note: T-km=Tonne-kilometers, speaking to the vehicle of one ton of merchandise (counting bundling and weight of transport units) over a separation of one kilometer. p. p. = rate focuses 6 IPC Carrier Intelligence Report †Deutsche Post DHL Germany: corporates and media Newspaper promotion showcase keeps on declining yet stays biggest medium Forbes Global 2000 Media spend (â‚ ¬m) - 4% Top 10 sponsors 1. Procter and Gamble Media-Saturn-Holding Ferrero Aldi Unilever L'Oreal Axel Springer Lidl Edeka 2010 2011 2012 +5% +27% 0% 2. 3. 4. 5,943 5,839 5,715 3,885 3,954 4,071 4,160Top 5 by income 17 Volkswagen Group (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) 409 E. ON (Electric Utilities) 37 Daimler (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) 50 Allianz (Diversified Insurance) 50 Siemens (Conglomerates) 3,465 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3,488 3,461 Top 5 by benefits 17 Volkswagen Group (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) 50 Siemens (Conglomerates) 74 BASF (Diversified Chemicals) 37 Daimler (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) 61 BMW Group (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) Top 5 by showcase esteem 50 Siemens (Conglomerates) 227 SAP (Software and Programming) 74 BASF (Diversified Chemicals) 17 Volkswagen Group (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) 37 Daimler (Auto and Truck Manufacturers) 4% +10% 692 706 719 +8% 766 797 827 3,067 3,473 75 79 Cinema 82 10. Volkswagen Group Magazines Internet TV Newspapers Radio Outdoor Media survey and standpoint All advanced media will pick up share as they become increasingly more significant for publicists. The development in the cell phone showcase and the usage of full-video promotions in sites will prompt expanded spending plans. Magazines and papers specifically will have an alternate situation later on as a ton of data and amusement is furnished by web sites.Along with advanced media, film, outside and TV assisted with driving German advertisement showcase in 2012. Source: www. forbes. com/global2000, ZenithOptimedia Western Europe Market and Mediafact 2011, ZenithOptimedia Advertising Expenditure Forecasts December 2011, IPC examination Note: Forbes Global 2000; numbers under top 5 speak to worldwide positioning 7 IPC Carrier Intelligence Report †Deutsche Post DHL Governance and procedure â€Å"The supplier, venture and business of decision in its market† www. dp-dh l. com Chairman of the Board Prof. Dr.Wulf von Schimmelmann Chairman 2009B

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