Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Handel's Influence on Beethoven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Handel's Influence on Beethoven - Essay Example In the same, he paid a visit to England and performed with success his opera Rinaldo. In 1727, he became a citizen of England and made London his permanent home. While in England he composed in Italian style and at the same time, he incorporated the English choral music. As the musical director for a number of organizations between 1719 and 1734, he became the leading director and composer of Italian operas in London ( 1). His operas are based on the stories about historic heroic figures, fantasies, and light anti-heroic works and they include Tamerlano in 1724, Serse in 1738 and other operas. He is well known for his English oratorios composition than the Italian operas. The Messiah (1741) is the widely performed and most influential oratorio. He is well known for his tremendous contributions to the secular vocal music, instrumental music of different types (in particular concerto), and English church music ( 1). Handel is well known as a great composer in the Baroque age (1600 – 1750); it is a period that was characterized by elaborate and long music that frequently needed many singers. He is also well-known for his English oratorios. An oratorio is an opera that lacks scenery and costumes. A number of his oratorios were and are still being performed as church music in countries that speak English around the world. He was also a master of Italian-type operas and wrote a number of scores for the instruments. Handel was an extensive artist; he combined Italian, English, French and German musical traditions to compose his works. In the years (1706 -1710) he spent in Italy, he was exposed to the best of oratorio, chamber cantata, opera and instrumental forms of sonata and concerto. By studying and playing with the greatest Italy musicians and composers, Handel transformed his raw talent into a polished style from a composer. Handel broke from the traditional music rules in order to make a dramatic impact (

Monday, October 28, 2019

Balance Sheet and Public Sector Reform Essay Example for Free

Balance Sheet and Public Sector Reform Essay Financial control 1.1 Assess the relationship(s) between a financial system or function and other systems or functions in an organisation Answer: Information and records are of critical importance to the functioning and controlling of systems in general, including organisational systems. Given the central importance of information and records to systems operation, including public sector organisations and the societies they exist to govern, we should not be surprised to learn that public sector reform efforts that overlook the information component often fail to meet their immediate objectives and the longer-term goal of establishing a framework for good governance. Efforts to improve the management of public sector records in many countries have been hampered by a gap between the National Archives and the government’s record-creating departments. The result has been that most of the records in the custody of the Archives are over forty years old, while the records in government departments remain unmanaged. Some National Archives have inspecting powers, but there are few professionals trained to manage current records. Moreover, there are rarely systems in place to ensure that semi-current and non-current records are transferred to secure accommodation or appropriately destroyed. The introduction of computerized systems, often a key part of public sector reform projects, is compounding existing record-keeping problems. These computerized systems are using information that may be seriously flawed and based on collapsed paper-based systems. It is because effective management of records is so crucial to achieving public sector reform objectives, which lead to good governance, that restructuring must encompass the management of records. Restructuring of records and archives management processes must be seen as an integral part of the restructuring of core government processes to ensure the success of public sector reform efforts. 1.2 Describe the systems of accounts and financial statements used to control a financial system Answer: Financial statements are the primary means of communicating financial information to parties outside the business organization. The four basic financial statements: Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Retained Earnings ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS In small enterprises there can be different kinds of accounting systems such as external, internal and tax accounting. Annex 3 summarises data per Member State concerning accounting system requirements for small enterprises. On the basis of this data, the following descriptions of accounting systems are given: Internal accounting Internal accounting, also called management accounting is based on the enterprise’s internal accounting procedures and recorded accounting information. Internal accounting is intended for managers within organizations, to provide them with the economic basis to make informed business decisions that would allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. For example, managers may want to be able to assess the contribution or the profitability of different products or services that they supply by comparing the revenues and costs that they generate. Unlike external accounting information, internal accounting is usually confidential and it is accessible only to the management. In most cases, small enterprises do not use internal accounting at all due to their size. Internal accounting is normally not governed by national legislation. However, in some Member States internal accounting is compulsory even for small enterprises. External accounting External accounting, also called financial accounting is concerned with the preparation of financial statements for decision makers, such as the owners, suppliers, banks, governments and its agencies, customers and other stakeholders outside the enterprise. External accounting makes use of the accounting information from the internal accounting system. In the preparation of the external accounting, the small enterprise may be governed by local 1.3 Analyse financial information contained in a set of accounts or financial statements Answer: The two main sources of data for financial analysis are a companys balance sheet and income statement. The balance sheet outlines the financial and physical resources that a company has available for business activities in the future. It is important to note, however, that the balance sheet only lists these resources, and makes no judgment about how well they will be used by management. For this reason, the balance sheet is more useful in analysing a companys current financial position than its expected performance. The main elements of the balance sheet are assets and liabilities. Assets generally include both current assets (cash or equivalents that will be converted to cash within one year, such as accounts receivable, inventory, and prepaid expenses) and noncurrent assets (assets that are held for more than one year and are used in running the business, including fixed assets like property, plant, and equipment; long-term investments; and intangible assets like patents, copyrights, and goodwill). Both the total amount of assets and the makeup of asset accounts are of interest to financial analysts. The balance sheet also includes two categories of liabilities, current liabilities (debts that will come due within one year, such as accounts payable, short-term loans, and taxes) and long-term debts (debts that are due more than one year from the date of the stateme nt).Liabilities are important to financial analysts because businesses have same obligation to pay their bills regularly as individuals, while business income tends to be less certain. Long-term liabilities are less important to analysts, since they lack the urgency of short-term debts, though their presence does indicate that a company is strong enough to be allowed to borrow money. The balance sheet also commonly includes stock-holders equity accounts, which detail the permanent capital of the business. The total equity usually consists of two parts: the money that has been invested by shareholders, and the money that has been retained from profits and reinvested in the business. In general the more equity that is held by a business, the better the ability of the business to borrow additional funds. In contrast to the balance sheet, the income statement provides information about a companys performance over a certain period of time. Although it does not reveal much about the companys current financial condition, it does provide indications of its future viability. The main elements of the income statement are revenues earned; expenses incurred, and net profit or loss. Revenues consist mainly of sales, though financial analysts may also note the inclusion of royalties, interest, and extraordinary items. Likewise, operating expenses usually consist primarily of the cost of goods sold, but can also include some unusual items. Net income is the bottom line of the income statement. This figure is the main indicator of a companys accomplishments over the statement period. Read more: 2.1 As a manager you need to fully understand your role in the budgetary process. It is the most basic financial planning and control tool. Every manager needs to know what costs are associated with their department, and how in relation are they doing to that budget. You might achieve your departmental goals, but if you go over budget in order to achieve those goals, you create financial problems for the company and jeopardize your own job performance review. In most cases, part of your performance appraisal will be based on whether or not you were within budget for the year. Budgets need to be realistic. You can’t just say at a whim you need 20 new people, just as upper management can’t say you have only $10 for a years’ worth of training classes. Budgets are used to investigate variances, whether you went over or under budget, and address the reasons for the variances. You need to always look at ways to control those variances by controlling costs. By being on top of your budget, you might be able to make changes before it’s too late and you end up having to reduce staff or eliminate a branch of your department. There are basically two types of budgets, a capital expenditure budget and operating budget: 1. Capital expenditure (also known as â€Å"Capex†) relates to costs associated with plant and equipment. This is equipment that generally lasts for more than a year such as a copy machine. 2. Operating budget, which is related to the normal day-to-day operations and expenditures such as payroll, supplies, and miscellaneous. There are two types of budgets within an operating budget, sales budgets and expense budgets:  · Sales budget is associated with comparison and variance of the actual revenue brought with the projected revenue.  · Expense budget applies to all areas incurring operating expenses, including the sales department. This is the budget we will focus on. CASH BUDGET FOR 90 DAYS Beginning cash balance $ 320,000 Add: Estimated collections on accounts receivable750,000 Estimated cash sales 250,000 $1,320,000 Deduct: Estimated payments on accounts payable $ 800,000 Estimated cash expenses 150,000 Contractual payments on long-term debt 150,000 Quarterly dividend 50,000 $1,150,000 Estimated ending cash balance $ 170,000 2.2 Budgetary Control is defined as the establishment of budgets, relating the responsibilities of executives to the requirements of a policy, and the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results either to secure by individual action the objective of that policy or to provide a base for its revision. 2. Salient features: a. Objectives: Determining the objectives to be achieved, over the budget period, and the policy (ies) that might be adopted for the achievement of these ends. b. Activities: Determining the variety of activities that should be undertaken for achievement of the objectives. c. Plans: Drawing up a plan or a scheme of operation in respect of each class of activity, in physical as well as monetary terms for the full budget period and its parts. d. Performance Evaluation: Laying out a system of comparison of actual performance by each person section or department with the relevant budget and determination of causes for the discrepancies, if any. e. Control Action: Ensuring that when the plans are not achieved, corrective actions are taken; And when corrective actions are not possible, ensuring that the plans are revised and objective achieved. Budgetary Control is an integral part of management. It consists in comparisons between the results of actual performance and budgeted performance. Central to this kind of comparison is Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. The purpose of this article is to clarify simply to the leaner, reader, and others peoples who related with accounts, budgets, costing department. 01. Variance Analysis: In a well-run organization the comparison between actual and budget is used as the basis for deciding the appropriate action. This document sets out how the analysis is used to highest effect. The procedure is actually part of the normal control process. Any variation from expected performance, in terms of budgets, where income or expenditure did not occur as expected. Variance analysis is the act of determining the drivers for those variations. Variances are noted and accounted for. A decision can be made to reduce expenses or reallocate resources. This technique greatly reduces the need for comprehensive review cycles. 2.3 Budget and Budgetary control, both at management and operational level looks at the future and lays down what has to be achieved. Control verifies whether or not the plans are understood, and puts into effect corrective measures where deviation or underperformance is occurring. This article Techniques of Budgetary Control examines how budget and budgetary control can impact on the performance of the organizations Techniques: Budgetary Control is an integral part of management. It consists in comparisons between the results of actual performance and budgeted performance. Central to this kind of comparison is Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. The purpose of this article is to clarify simply to the leaner, reader, and others peoples who related with accounts, budgets, costing department. What variance analysis is all about, avoiding pure technicalities and the terminology of accountants? Notice is confined to costs and cost variances in this article. A similar dealing of revenue and revenue variances would also be compulsory to acquire a proper perspective. Following explained The Budgetary Control Techniques 01. Variance Analysis: In a well-run organization the comparison between actual and budget is used as the basis for deciding the appropriate action. This document sets out how the analysis is used to highest effect. The procedure is actually part of the normal control process. Any variation from expected performance, in terms of budgets, where income or expenditure did not occur as expected. Variance analysis is the act of determining the drivers for those variations. Variances are noted and accounted for. A decision can be made to reduce expenses or reallocate resources. This technique greatly reduces the need for comprehensive review cycles.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Progressive Era Essay example -- essays research papers

Industrialization led to the rise of big businesses at the expense of the worker. Factory laborers faced long hours, low wages, and unsanitary conditions. The large corporations protected themselves by allying with political parties. The parties, in turn, were controlled by party leaders, rather than by the members. Many people felt that all power rested with the politicians and businessmen. Reformers known as Progressives attempted to undo the problems caused by industrialization. The Progressive movement sought to end the influence of large corporations, provide more rights and benefits to workers, and end the control possessed by party leaders. At the national level, Progressivism centered on defeating the power of large businesses. The Progressive Era was a period in American history in which improving working conditions, exposing corruption, improving the way of life, expanding democracy, and making reforms were the objectives at hand. With the emergence of the Progressive Era two important figures gradually emerged as well. One of the mentioned figures, President Theodore Roosevelt, succeeded to the Presidency when President McKinley was assassinated in 1901, helped the Progressive movement greatly. Another figure, although a Democrat is Woodrow Wilson who much like Roosevelt still pushed for progressive reforms. Each of the mentioned figures did their share in re-establishing a â€Å"fair† government that would work for the people and not for the large corporations and mon...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essays --

That we here highly resolve "The battle's last, long thunders rolled; the witness-cloud to heaven was swept; and night, the ghostly seer and old, Around our blood-drenched borders crept: Upon our arms we slept. We slept: but night, that ancient seer conned o'er us his prophetic lore; And whispered low in many an ear, "Thou art, but thou shalt be no more, When next the cannons roar." (jones, 1862).The American civil war was an ugly depiction of reality; nationwide disagreements were met with, "Blood, toil, tears and sweat,"(Churchill, 1940). As the North (Union) fought for the reconsolidation of the country and the rights of the slaves, the South (Confederacy) fought for their rights to govern themselves and continue using slaves. The president Abraham Lincoln went through thick and thin to get the country through the civil war and return it to a single nation. Great personalities such as his, have carried the world through much turmoil, united the people under common causes and changed engraved perspectives and prejudices forever. This research paper will address Abraham Lincoln's early life, how he passed the 13th amendment, the reason it had to be finalized during the war, and the justifications of his covert schemes. Born February 12th 1809, Abraham Lincoln, the second child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln, experienced a tragedy at the age of 10 when his mother died. He was mostly a self-learner and engaged himself in reading since adolescence. Lincoln was not fond of hard labor in his pre-teens, but as he grew older, he willingly accepted the responsibility of all his chores and agreed to the customary obligation of giving his father all his external-earnings until the age of 21. At the age of 22, Lincoln set off on his own to fin... was normal since change is always opposed. The president's strong personality and perseverance steered the country from turmoil to peace even though his methods were deviant. What I like most about Abraham Lincoln was how knowledgeable he was. From his readings alone he managed to make himself a lawyer and eventually a president, which all goes to prove the saying that knowledge is power. His other trait that I'm exceptionally fond of, was how intact he was with his basic values which was a beacon of light during his grey days. Being unique and changing the world is not easy, the least you can do is have conviction and perception on your side. When all the dust has settled we can say that great people have great stories to delineate. It's what we take out of these stories that matters. The moral here is that, breaking the rules is incorrect except when it's not.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Clinical Interview Questions

Learning is usually a challenge for most, what learning technique and approach works the best for you? 2. There are many different roles in life, usually there is a more dominant position people fit best in. Your strongest strengths would get you farther if you were more of a soldier or a leader? 3. When life becomes stressful and negative events unfold, is there anything that usually helps the situation? Such as eating something, thinking of good thoughts, or talking to someone special? 4.For our daily life, are generally satisfied with how your life is today? 5. Is there a lack of people in your life? Is there anyone particular? 6. How would you describe your family and friend relationships with how you grew up and how you were raised? How would you describe them currently? 7. If you were to look at yourself and the life you have lived so far, would you say you are and have been at least 50% positive about life and the choices you have made? 8. Do you feel there is anyone who contr olled your life at any point in time? Do you blame anyone for any event?Do you have any regrets about the choices you have made? 9. Regardless of how much time people have been alive for, people still remember things about their life. What would you say is the best memory you have framed in your mind? What is the worst memory that you would like to forget? 10. Some people accept memories because the override the old with the new. Other people accept memories because they talk about them comfortably. 11. If you could change a characteristic, an ability, an achieved long-term goal, and a lifestyle feature about your life dealing with one of each what would they be?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Executive Summary Essays - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Executive Summary Essays - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Executive Summary Learning Team A ACC 280 March 8, 2012 Rod Klein Executive Summary Company history: When was the company founded? By whom? List other historical facts. Walt Disney began his career in animation. He made animated commercials for the Kansas City Slide Company. In his free time, he began making his own cartoons. Walt asked his brother, Roy, to join him in launching the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. It was founded on October 16, 1923 (Malloy, 2008). Walt Disneys theme park dream began as he sat on a bench watching children ride a merry-go-round. He wondered why no one had ever created a place where both parents and children could have fun at the same time. Disney believed in his idea, and he was willing to risk everything he owned to make it a reality. Walt and his brother Roy mortgaged everything they owned to raise $17 million to build Disneyland, but fell short of what they needed. ABC agreed to fund the project in exchange for part ownership and a weekly show (Malloy, 2008). Disney bought 160 acres of orange groves and began construction on May 1954. On July 17, 1955, the Disney theme park opened for invited guests. The following day, 10,000 members of the public were admitted for a $1 admission fee (Malloy, 2008). Disney is a diversified successful company. Walt Disney World opened October 1, 1971. Since then Epcot, MGM, Animal Kingdom, Pleasure Island, and three water parks opened. DisneyLands were also opened in Tokyo, Paris, and Hongkong (Eglinton, 2008). ABC broadcasting stations, programming stations, and radio groups are among Disneys resources. The Disney consumer products, ESPN, theater productions, and Disney Cruise Line are other sourcs of income (Who We Are, 2008). Who is the audit firm for the company? The Audit Committee of the board of directors is responsible for the selection of the independent auditors. Price Waterhouse Coopers, LLP, is a company providing independent audits for the Walt Disney Company (Walt Disney Company, 2012). What stock exchange is the company listed on? What is their ticker symbol? The Walt Disney Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The companys ticker symbol is DIS (Scottrade, 2012). How much cash and cash equivalents did the company have at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? The cash and cash equivalents that Walt Disney Company had at the end of 2009 was $3,417,000. For 2010, it was $2,722,000. What were the companys total current assets at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? In what order should current assets be presented? Walt Disney Companys total current assets in 2009 were $11,889,000. In 2010, total current assets were $12,225,000. Current assets should be presented in the order that they are expected to be available for paying debts. What were the two largest current assets at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? The two largest current assets at the end of 2009 were Property Plant and Equipment in the amount of $17,806,000 and Goodwill in the amount of $21,683,000. In 2010, it was Property Plant and Equipment with $17,806,000 and Goodwill in the amount of $24,100,000. What were the companys total assets at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? The total assets for Walt Disney Co. in millions: Dec 2011 Oct 2010 $73,877 $69,206 (MSN Money, 2012) What amount of accounts payable did the company have at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? The total amount of accounts payable in millions: Oct 2011 Oct 2010 $4,546 $4,413 (MSN Money, 2012) What were the companys total current liabilities at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? Walt Disneys total current liabilities at the end of the most recent annual reporting periods: Sept 2011 Sept 2010 $34.74 B $31.69B What were the companys two largest current liabilities at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? Walt Disneys two largest current liabilities at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods: Sept 2011 Sept 2010 $12.09 B $11.0 B What were the companys total liabilities at the end of its two most recent annual reporting periods? Walt Disneys total liabilities at the end of 2010

Monday, October 21, 2019

Biography of Zheng He, Chinese Admiral

Biography of Zheng He, Chinese Admiral Zheng He (1371–1433 or 1435) was a Chinese admiral and explorer who led several voyages around the Indian Ocean. Scholars have often wondered how history might have been different if the first Portuguese explorers to round the tip of Africa and move into the Indian Ocean had met up with the admirals huge Chinese fleet. Today, Zheng He is considered something of a folk hero, with temples in his honor throughout Southeast Asia. Fast Facts: Zheng He Known For: Zheng He was a powerful Chinese admiral who led several expeditions around the Indian Ocean.Also Known As: Ma HeBorn: 1371 in Jinning, ChinaDied: 1433 or 1435 Early Life Zheng He was born in 1371 in the city now called Jinning in Yunnan Province. His given name was Ma He, indicative of his familys Hui Muslim origins since Ma is the Chinese version of Mohammad. Zheng Hes great-great-great-grandfather Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar was a Persian governor of the province under the Mongolian Emperor Kublai Khan, founder of the Yuan Dynasty that ruled China from 1279 to 1368. Ma Hes father and grandfather were both known as Hajji, the honorific title bestowed upon Muslim men who make the hajj, or  pilgrimage, to Mecca. Ma Hes father remained loyal to the Yuan Dynasty even as the rebel forces of what would become the Ming Dynasty conquered larger and larger swathes of China. In 1381, the Ming army killed Ma Hes father and captured the boy. At just 10 years old, he was made into a eunuch and sent to Beiping (now Beijing) to serve in the household of 21-year-old Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan who later became the Yongle Emperor. Ma He grew to be seven Chinese feet tall (probably around 6-foot-6), with a voice as loud as a huge bell. He excelled at fighting and military tactics, studied the works of Confucius and Mencius, and soon became one of the princes closest confidants. In the 1390s, the Prince of Yan launched a series of attacks against the resurgent Mongols, were based just north of his fiefdom. Zheng Hes Patron Takes the Throne The first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Prince Zhu Dis eldest brother, died in 1398 after naming his grandson Zhu Yunwen as his successor. Zhu Di did not take kindly to his nephews elevation to the throne and led an army against him in 1399. Ma He was one of his commanding officers. By 1402, Zhu Di had captured the Ming capital at Nanjing and defeated his nephews forces. He had himself crowned as the Yongle Emperor. Zhu Yunwen probably died in his burning palace, although rumors persisted that he had escaped and become a Buddhist monk. Due to Ma Hes key role in the coup, the new emperor awarded him a mansion in Nanjing as well as the honorific name Zheng He. The new Yongle Emperor faced serious legitimacy problems due to his seizure of the throne and the possible murder of his nephew. According to Confucian tradition, the first son and his descendants should always inherit, but the Yongle Emperor was the fourth son. Therefore, the courts Confucian scholars refused to support him and he came to rely almost entirely upon his corps of eunuchs, Zheng He most of all. The Treasure Fleet Sets Sail Zheng Hes most important role in his masters service was being the commander-in-chief of the new treasure fleet, which would serve as the emperors principal envoy to the peoples of the Indian Ocean basin. The Yongle Emperor appointed him to head the massive fleet of 317 junks crewed by over 27,000 men that set out from Nanjing in the fall of 1405. At the age of 35, Zheng He had achieved the highest rank ever for a eunuch in Chinese history. With a mandate to collect tribute and establish ties with rulers all around the Indian Ocean, Zheng He and his armada set forth for Calicut on Indias western coast. It would be the first of seven total voyages of the treasure fleet, all commanded by Zheng He, between 1405 and 1432. During his career as a naval commander, Zheng He negotiated trade  pacts, fought pirates, installed puppet kings, and brought back tribute for the Yongle Emperor in the form of jewels, medicines, and exotic animals. He and his crew traveled and traded not only with the city-states of what are now Indonesia, Malaysia, Siam, and India, but also with the Arabian ports of modern-day Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Although Zheng He was raised Muslim  and visited the shrines of Islamic holy men in Fujian Province and elsewhere, he also venerated Tianfei, the Celestial Consort and protector of sailors. Tianfei had been a mortal woman living in the 900s who achieved enlightenment as a teenager. Gifted with foresight, she was able to warn her brother of an approaching storm at sea, saving his life. Final Voyages In 1424, the Yongle Emperor passed away. Zheng He had made six voyages in his name and brought back countless emissaries from foreign lands to bow before him, but the cost of these excursions weighed heavily on the Chinese treasury. In addition, the Mongols and other nomadic peoples were a constant military threat along Chinas northern and western borders. The Yongle Emperors cautious and scholarly elder son, Zhu Gaozhi, became the Hongxi Emperor. During his nine-month rule, Zhu Gaozhi ordered an end to all treasure fleet construction and repairs. A Confucianist, he believed that the voyages drained too much money from the country. He preferred to spend on fending off the Mongols and feeding people in famine-ravaged provinces instead. When the Hongxi Emperor died less than a year into his reign in 1426, his 26-year-old son became the Xuande Emperor. A happy medium between his proud, mercurial grandfather and his cautious, scholarly father, the Xuande Emperor decided to send Zheng He and the treasure fleet out again. Death In 1432, the 61-year-old Zheng He set out with his largest fleet ever for one final trip around the Indian Ocean, sailing all the way to Malindi on Kenyas east coast and stopping at trading ports along the way. On the return voyage, as the fleet sailed east from Calicut, Zheng He died. He was buried at sea, although legend says that the crew returned a braid of his hair and his shoes to Nanjing for burial. Legacy Although Zheng He looms as a larger-than-life figure in modern eyes both in China and abroad, Confucian scholars made serious attempts to expunge the memory of the great eunuch admiral and his voyages from history in the decades following his death. They feared a return to the wasteful spending on such expeditions. In 1477, for example, a court eunuch requested the records of Zheng Hes voyages with the intention of restarting the program, but the scholar in charge of the records told him that the documents had been lost. Zheng Hes story survived, however, in the accounts of crew members including Fei Xin, Gong Zhen, and Ma Huan, who went on several of the later voyages. The treasure fleet also left stone markers at the places they visited. Today, whether people view Zheng He as an emblem of Chinese diplomacy and soft power or as a symbol of the countrys aggressive overseas expansion, all agree that the admiral and his fleet stand among the great wonders of the ancient world. Sources Mote, Frederick W.  Imperial China 900-1800. Harvard University Press, 2003.Yamashita, Michael S., and Gianni Guadalupi.  Zheng He: Tracing the Epic Voyages of Chinas Greatest Explorer. White Star Publishers, 2006.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Teens Nowadays Essays - Mass Media, Digital Media, Adolescence

Teens Nowadays Essays - Mass Media, Digital Media, Adolescence Teens Nowadays As the society changes, the pastime choices of children tend to become different.. The traditional things like going outside, are no longer an interest to technology-oriented teens.. Modern teens are fascinated with the social media and computers. While there is nothing wrong with a social life, the pastime of modern teens makes them socially isolated, indolent, and to devoted to technology. Many teens are focused on what happens on social media while 20 years ago people were more active in society. Today teens spend more time sitting in front of the computer instead of going to spend time with their friends. They become too lazy to even look for a job to support their family. For example I see many of my younger relatives who sit around and do not work and provide help for their family. Instead they sit around going to friends houses and walking around on the newest iphone when they are old enough to get a job. I do understand their can be circumstances to some people's situations but others can get out and get a job. Teens fail to interact with others as they play video games for hours and they can't even focus on passing their classes at school. If the world was not so technologically-oriented than teens could get out and be more social. Sooner or later the next generations won't be able to get out and be social because they will be to caught up in their video games or cell phones. Secondly, modern teens spend their time technological devices rather than doing something helpful. The exposure to technology contributes to high level of inactivity of modern teens. Parents controlled the pastime of their children more in the late 1900's. Teens got out and helped their family with yard work and cleaning instead of sitting in front of a television. Nowadays many teens are getting their driving licences but they do not bother to go out and do something useful like getting a job. Teens rather go to a basketball game than go help out someone at a thrift shop. If teens were less focused on what's happening on social media and playing games they would be more active in life;They would be more socially active. Finally, the pastime choices of modern teens slow down their development. Despite of the opinion that today's teens are smarter because they have computers, the truth is that 20 years ago teens were more active in society. Today, on the contrary, teens suffer from social isolation so, the inppropriate control of the pastime choices of modern adolescents makes them victims of the technological progress. The financial instability leads to the situations when parents cannot devote sufficient attention to their children. Rich families, on the other side, are likely to surround their children with technology-based toys thus contributing to further social isolation. In conclusion, the differences in pastime choices of modern teens, 20 years ago are not in favor of the today's young persons. Addiction to video games and uncontrollable exposure to social makes modern adolescents less active and socially isolated. Only 20 years ago teens were more active and friendly because they were actually socializing with friends and interacting with others in person. Computers and cellphones were not available while today they are everywhere. As the comparison reveals, lives of teens about 20 years ago were not dictated by technological advances while interaction with others was valued. Modern adolescents, on the other side, are just starting a trend of indolent generations to come.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is the threshold for manufacturing industries that manufacture or Essay - 1

What is the threshold for manufacturing industries that manufacture or process EPA listed extremely hazardous materials (Explain what it is and specify the threshold level in pounds.) - Essay Example Several reports are required for manufacturing organizations directly handling hazardous materials. These reports include chemical inventories, releases of these chemicals in the environment, and emergency notification and response plans, among others. The EPA identified 360 extremely hazardous substances and more than 700 hazardous substances (Alaska State Emergency Response Commission 2009, par. 14). The threshold is a value or the point at which the maximum concentration of hazardous materials begins to affect an exposed person. (International Association of Fire Chiefs 2004, 844) According the EPA, â€Å"the current thresholds for Sections 311 and 312 are stipulated: for extremely hazardous substances: 500 pounds or the threshold planning quantity, whichever is lower; and for all other hazardous chemicals: 10,000 pounds.† This means that a person would be affected when exposed to 500 pounds of extremely hazardous materials and the manufacturing organization has the responsibility to notify both the Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) and the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). Below the threshold, the manufacturing facility has no obligation to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Recording reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Recording reality - Essay Example Simon Cowel, who was one of the judges of the Pop Idol show quit and launced his own show, the X factor and owned its television rights. However, there was a perceived similarity between the two shows and this created a legal dispute. The only existing difference between the shows is that in Idol, judges only sued to criticize the performances of the contestants, unlike in the X factor where the judges mentors the participants. Participants/ contestants have continued to gain popularity and publicity out of participation in this show. In addition, the winning person gets the prize of a recording contract (Blanco, 2014). The talent show is mainly concerned with locating a potential pop star individual or a group, singing talent, personality and appearance, stage presence and routines of dance, all these are fundamental elements of the participant’s performances. In the initial shows, each contestant performs once in the first show in the presence of some studio audience as well as judges, singing over a pre-recorded form of a backing track. Dancers are also featured in the whole process. Contestants are also allowed to carry with themselves guitars, a piano, or any other singing instrument. The X factor talent show is aimed at improving the lives of participants who have singing talents. Ben Haenow won the X factor and he could not believe it, this experience changed his entire life. Other purposes of the talent show include: Whereas not everyone admits to being a fan of the talent show, its strong appeal has spanned generations from different gender and socio-economic backgrounds. In addition to the purposes of entertainment and growing talents, the show also presents a mass marketing opportunity for businesses and organizations in the UK. Brands pay money in terms of premium for them to reach large audiences on the X factor especially on ITV. Any person of any age and those who believe that they have singing talents are always

Technologies in Shipping and Port Management Essay

Technologies in Shipping and Port Management - Essay Example Nowadays, the bulk carriers are the biggest workers of the fleet, transporting raw materials such as iron ore and coal (Shipping Facts, 2010). Tankers are useful in transporting crude oil, potentially hazardous chemicals, and petroleum products. Tankers often look quite the same as bulk carriers, but the deck of the tankers is usually flushed and covered by oil pipe and ventilation systems (Shipping Facts, 2010). In the same period, a further potential design was intended to revolutionize the transfer of cargo on land as well as, on the ocean, and this design was the freight container. The idea, which had been first developed in the United States during the 1950s, was to pack cargo into rectangular metal boxes, which could be transported by road, railway or ship (Overview of Shipping and Navigation history, 2010). Now container ships, which carry most of the worlds manufactured goods and products, are usually done through scheduled liner services (Shipping Facts, 2010). With the exception of the aforementioned ships, there are two other types of ships that are popular in shipping, one of which are ferries, which usually fulfil shorter trips for a mixture of passengers and commercial vehicles. Most of these ships are Ro-Ro (roll on - roll off) ferries, where allow vehicles to drive straight on and off, making it a speedy and easily accessible way to travel. The other type of ship is known as a specialist ship.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Story - Essay Example In this paper, I would like to draw on my personal experiences from my life in the same house with my stepmother making it clear that such relationship can negatively affect children’s life in every aspect. Typically, stepmothers have never represented anything good for children as they have least interest in what children are doing or what issues they confront as they grow up. Children are helpless when a stranger comes in their home in the form of one of their parents. This was my case, when I was a kid and my stepmother married my father. In the beginning, I used to like her, but I never knew that she acted nicely only to impress my father, but with time I started hating her for the things she did. Our relationship became very bad and we both never liked each other thereafter. Such sensitive relationship is certainly difficult to maintain. If any element is found missing then this relationship can become worst. To me it felt like that I was forced to enter into the relation ship without knowing where I was heading. I was just an ordinary child when my stepmother came into my dad’s life and our house. I was very excited as I had a new companion to spend my time with. Initially, she used to talk a lot and treated me like her own child. She helped me with my homework; she used to take me on swimming and dancing classes. She used to play and go shopping with me. Gradually, with time things started changing in a negative manner when her first son was born. In Chinese families, boys are always favored and they receive more attention than daughters. Every person in my family, especially my grandparents, was excited about the boy’s birth. I clearly observed that my stepmother’s affection and love shifted towards her own son. She was spending more time looking after him and I could feel that her interest in me was just a matter of making my dad happy, and she became least bothered about my needs. No matter how I wanted to be closer to her a nd tried to get attention from her, I felt inconspicuous. I could feel harshness in her tone and she started to scold me for smaller reasons. She was passing comments that clearly implied that she wanted me to stay away from her son, and also on numerous occasions she wished that my father could simply send me away to my grand parents house. My dad used to be out the whole day for business. Even when he used to come home he was too tired and never took any interest in what I said or complained about. The frequency of my stepmother manhandling me increased and I could feel that she hated my presence in the house. She was punishing me harshly by keeping me in the storeroom for hours. As I grew older, I accepted the fact that it had to go this way as I was helpless and there was nothing I could do. I started spending most of my time with friends outside my home. My stepmother continued to play her negative role by arguing with me and telling me that I could not do anything good in my l ife. She affected my ability to concentrate on studies and extracurricular activities. I had problems in communication and making friends. The agony at home continued till I decided to move out and make my way back into life on my own. I have no contact left with my stepmother and I occasionally speak to my father who acts to be unaware of the reasons for me leaving home. Over the years, this painful experience at home has affected me very badly as I am now presently scared of being alone in the room and

Impede International Strategy Implementation Essay

Impede International Strategy Implementation - Essay Example The writers undertook a qualitative research in a post-1992 UK University where they carried out 20 interviews from three different departments. The authors have done a critical analysis of issues of strategy implementation in internalization and finally identified critical issues impeding international strategy implementation within a learning institution’s context. The writers have ensured that they contribute to the rich understanding of challenges of higher education internalization and further showed different understanding of critical issues of higher education internalization as well as highlighting specific areas that they feel should be improved. A methodology that was used is a qualitative research where 20 participants from a post-1992 university were selected from key departments. The university that was selected is among the UK universities undertaking higher education internalization but do not have established satellite overseas. The participants were selected based on job responsibilities and their positions where they were divided into the corporate group, the marketing group and the faculty group on 1:1 interview conducted over a period of six months. In addition, a literature review helped in conducting the study and making a conclusion. The selected solutions for the problem that almost all interviewees agreed on included were sufficient allocation of resources, efficient communication and information sharing among various departments, operational processes within home campuses and the satellite branches should be harmonized. Moreover, there was a need of cooperation and coordination.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Story - Essay Example In this paper, I would like to draw on my personal experiences from my life in the same house with my stepmother making it clear that such relationship can negatively affect children’s life in every aspect. Typically, stepmothers have never represented anything good for children as they have least interest in what children are doing or what issues they confront as they grow up. Children are helpless when a stranger comes in their home in the form of one of their parents. This was my case, when I was a kid and my stepmother married my father. In the beginning, I used to like her, but I never knew that she acted nicely only to impress my father, but with time I started hating her for the things she did. Our relationship became very bad and we both never liked each other thereafter. Such sensitive relationship is certainly difficult to maintain. If any element is found missing then this relationship can become worst. To me it felt like that I was forced to enter into the relation ship without knowing where I was heading. I was just an ordinary child when my stepmother came into my dad’s life and our house. I was very excited as I had a new companion to spend my time with. Initially, she used to talk a lot and treated me like her own child. She helped me with my homework; she used to take me on swimming and dancing classes. She used to play and go shopping with me. Gradually, with time things started changing in a negative manner when her first son was born. In Chinese families, boys are always favored and they receive more attention than daughters. Every person in my family, especially my grandparents, was excited about the boy’s birth. I clearly observed that my stepmother’s affection and love shifted towards her own son. She was spending more time looking after him and I could feel that her interest in me was just a matter of making my dad happy, and she became least bothered about my needs. No matter how I wanted to be closer to her a nd tried to get attention from her, I felt inconspicuous. I could feel harshness in her tone and she started to scold me for smaller reasons. She was passing comments that clearly implied that she wanted me to stay away from her son, and also on numerous occasions she wished that my father could simply send me away to my grand parents house. My dad used to be out the whole day for business. Even when he used to come home he was too tired and never took any interest in what I said or complained about. The frequency of my stepmother manhandling me increased and I could feel that she hated my presence in the house. She was punishing me harshly by keeping me in the storeroom for hours. As I grew older, I accepted the fact that it had to go this way as I was helpless and there was nothing I could do. I started spending most of my time with friends outside my home. My stepmother continued to play her negative role by arguing with me and telling me that I could not do anything good in my l ife. She affected my ability to concentrate on studies and extracurricular activities. I had problems in communication and making friends. The agony at home continued till I decided to move out and make my way back into life on my own. I have no contact left with my stepmother and I occasionally speak to my father who acts to be unaware of the reasons for me leaving home. Over the years, this painful experience at home has affected me very badly as I am now presently scared of being alone in the room and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparison of J.S. Bachs Fugues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of J.S. Bachs Fugues - Essay Example This was Bach's training ground. Bach's professional career commenced in 1700 as a chorister in Luneburg, followed by positions as an organist in Arnstadt, Muhlhausen, and Weimar up until 1717. It was his appointment in the ducal court at Weimar in 1708 where he started to compose fugues using contrapunctual 1techniques. In 1707 he composed the Little Organ Fugue in G minor (BWV 578), also known as the "Little Fugue" or "Little G minor". This music was originally written for the organ. As a typical fugue, the music commences with a brief musical theme, so called its subject, represented by a lone musical voice. This first voice continues and another enters to play the subject. Other voices enter one by one until there are several independent musical voices at play, developing the piece of music. The Little Fugue starts the subject in a minor key, but ends in with a (G) major chord, which was characteristic of Baroque fugues of the time that were written in the minor keys. Bach composed "The Art of Fugue", or "Die Kunst de Fugue" (BWV 1080) in 1748-1749 in Leipzig, where he was the Kantor 2of St Thomas's.

Deficiency Disease Essay Example for Free

Deficiency Disease Essay Diseases that are caused by lack of some particular nutrient in a persons diet are called Deficiency Diseases. Following are some of those diseases, their cause and their treatment: 1. Night-blindness: A child having this disease is unable to see properly in the dark. His eyes become dull and listless and the skin becomes dry. If not treated in time, the child may become blind. Cause: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A in the diet. Treatment: A child suffering from night-blindness should take a diet rich in vitamin A. Carrots, fish, fruits, milk, butter, etc., are all good sources of vitamin A. 2. Beri-beri: This is basically a disorder of the nerves. It affects the health of eyes % and skin, growth of the body, formation of muscles and blood. There may also to be stomach and intestinal disturbances. Cause: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin-B. Treatment: The affected child must eat the foods rich in vitamin B like milk, fish, meat, cereals, egg, etc., and also seek medical advice from a doctor. 3. Scurvy: People suffering from scurvy have swollen and bleeding gums. They lose weight and become weak. Their teeth start shaking and become loose. Cause: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin-C. Treatment: Oranges, citrus fruits, cabbage, amla, etc., should be included in the diet of the patient. 4. Rickets: In this disease, the bones of the legs become thin, deformed and curved (bow-legged). The bones of the child become weak and soft. Cause: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin D. Treatment: The affected child must eat the foods rich in vitamin D like milk, fish, meat, butter, egg, etc., and take the advice of a doctor. 5. Anaemia: In this disease, the level of the haemoglobin becomes low gets tired very easily and feels weak. The skin becomes pale. The lips and nails become dull and colourless. Cause: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of iron. Treatment: The person should have plenty of green, leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage. Meat, apples, beans, dry fruits, etc., should be included in the diet. A doctor must also be consulted immediately. 6. Goitre: In this disease, there is swelling around the neck region of a person. Cause: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of iodine. Treatment: The affected person needs to add iodised salt to his or her food. Prevention: A high standard of nutrition must, however, be aimed at and carefully maintained to ensure complete freedom from these preventable causes of ill-health.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Euthyphros Definition Of Piety

Euthyphros Definition Of Piety In Platos Euthyphro, the character Euthyphro attempts to define the pious as what all the gods love. In this essay, I will examine the basis on which Socrates rejects this definition. In order to do so, I will provide an outline of the dialogue for context. Furthermore, I will analyse what Socrates seems to require for a good definition. Finally, I will attempt to defend Euthyphros definition. Socrates rejects Euthyphros definition on the grounds that his reasoning is circular, but I will argue that by removing the implicit requirement that there needs to be a cause for what the gods love, Euthyphros definition stands up to Socrates argument while falling under his requirements for a good definition. In the Euthyphro, Socrates wants Euthyphro to instruct him on definition of the pious, as Euthyphro is considered an authority on all religious matters, and Socrates believes that by coming under his tutelage he can escape Meletus charges should he prosecute Socrates. Socrates and Euthyphro agree that there must be one exact standard or characteristic quality by which all pious things are pious and everything impious, in contrast to the pious, is impious. Socrates wants to know what this quality is. Euthyphro suggests that prosecuting those who commit injustices is pious, and not prosecuting them is impious, regardless of whom they may be. He references his prosecution of his own father for murder as an example. He notes that Zeus imprisoned his own father for wickedly devouring his own children. As Zeus is the best and most just of all the gods (6a), if he behaves rightly in imprisoning his father for injustice, Euthyphros actions must be pious for following this example. Socrates feels that this is not a good definition of piety. He points out prosecuting those who commit injustices is merely an example of a pious act, and not a definition of piety itself. Euthyphro concedes that there are many more pious deeds that do not consist of prosecuting offenders. Socrates then asks Euthyphro to tell him the the essential aspect, by which all holy acts are holy (6d). Euthyphro then proposes another definition: that piety is what is agreeable to the gods. Socrates proceeds to investigate whether or not this more general definition is accurate. First, he notes out that the gods themselves often quarrel, as is recounted in the myths that Euthyphro believes in so literally. Socrates points out that arguments do not persist over disputed facts, since agreements can be reached through calculation or investigation, but rather over questions of value, such as what is right and wrong, and noble and disgraceful, and good and bad (7d). Euthyphro agrees with this assessment. Socrates points out that if the gods quarrel over what is just and what is good, then there is clearly no agreement among them on such issues. After all, if they have different opinions on justice, it follows that they must approve of different things. Therefore there must be certain things that are loved by some gods and unloved by other gods. But according to Euthyphros definition, that would mean that those things are both pious and impious, since they are approved of by some gods and disapproved of by others. This is clearly contradictory to the earlier assertion that there is one standard for piety, and concordantly for impiety since the impious is that which is not pious. Euthyphro replies that surely the gods all agree that a person who kills someone unjustly should be punished. Socrates replies that the argument is not about whether or not an acknowledged wrongdoer should be punished, but about whether that person has in fact acted unjustly. Hence for Euthyphros argument to have any weight, he needs not to show that the gods agree that someone who murders unjustly should be punished, but that they agree that a particular murder is unjust in the first place. All of this gives us an idea as to what Socrates considers a good definition. He is not satisfied with answers that pertain to certain types of piety, or specific examples of piety. The answer must concern a quality that involves all forms of piety and to nothing that is not pious. In short, a good definition, for Socrates, requires both generality and exclusivity. Furthermore, it must have explanatory power. A statement of somethings non-essential attributes might be true, but would qualify as a definition because it does not explain what that thing is; it merely describes some of that things properties. Eurthyphros responds by changing his earlier definition; he proposes that the pious is what all the gods love, and impiety is what they all hate. Socrates responds by asking Euthyphro whether pious deeds are approved by the gods because they are pious or whether they are pious because they are approved by the gods. The point he wants to make here is that there is a difference between being something and getting something. There are three things that can be said about any action: (1) it is pious, (2) it gets approved by the gods, and (3) it is approved by the gods. The distinction between statements (2) and (3) is that (2) deals with the act of approval by the gods and (3) deals with the state of the action as being approved of by the gods. Causally, (3) must follow (2). The three claims Euthyphro makes are: (i) something gets approved by the gods because it is pious; (ii) something is approved of by the gods because it gets approved of by the gods (this claim is implicit); (iii) what is pious is what is approved of by the gods. The first claim (i) says that (2) is true if (1) is true, (ii) states that (3) is true if (2) is true, and (iii) states that (1) is equivalent to (3). But (i) and (ii) imply that if (1) is true then (3) is true, which is not the same as saying that (1) is the same as (3). Even if (1) and (3) refer to the same thing, they do not have the same meaning. Therefore Euthyphros cannot claim that the definition of piety is that which all the gods love without his reasoning being circular. While Socratess argument is indeed a powerful blow against Euthyphros definition, we shall try and see if it is at all possible to defend Euthyphros definition. One way do so is by going back to the question that Socrates poses to him about whether that which is pious is loved by the gods because it is pious or whether it is pious because it is loved by the gods. The question assumes that the gods need a reason to love something, which is not necessarily the case. If the approval of the gods does not require a cause, then piety can certainly be defined to be that which the gods love without causing any inconsistency. We note that what is pious is always pious. It does not seem to make any sense that what is pious today will be impious tomorrow. It follows that what is pious today was pious yesterday, and what was pious yesterday was pious the day before that, and so on until we arrive at the first cause of piety itself, which is defined as what all the gods love. Under this framework , piety is the state of being loved by all the gods, but it is meaningless to ask what prompts the gods to love something; that is, what caused the gods to love it. Socrates would no doubt complain that this makes piety a rather arbitrary affair, but that should not hinder Euthyphro. It has already been affirmed that different gods can love different things. That indicates that the likes and dislikes of the gods are not based on some higher principles, but are in fact arbitrary. Even so, it is always possible that all the gods can all love the same thing. This can happen purely by chance, but that would still not change that thing from being pious under Euthyphros definition. We note that Euthyphros definition is overarching definition that includes all that is pious and excludes everything else, while having sufficient explanatory power. While Socrates argument against Euthyphros definition is strong, it does not necessarily invalidate the definition. By removing the implicit requirement that the gods need a reason to love something, the definition holds up to both Socrates argument as well as his requirements for a good definition.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Eulogy for Son :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Son First I would like to say thank you for the tremendous outpouring of love and affection from our community at last night’s viewing for John. Roger at the funeral home told us this was the largest turnout he can remember. Close to 1,000 friends—and many people who were merely touched by John’s story—waited up to fours hours in the rain to pay their respects. We want you to know how very grateful and very touched we were by the response. As Congressman Johnson said in his tribute to John, entered into the Congressional Record, John truly was one of our nation’s best and brightest and dearest sons. He was already a great young man who would have served his country well, and I know he could have become one of our great leaders had he been given more time. I also want you to know that we knew it would rain today, because one of John’s longest-running legacies is that it always rains on major events in his life: His graduation from high school, parents weekend during his plebe summer, his formal ring dance his senior year, and now today. Only his graduation from the Academy broke the mold. After four straight days of rain, God granted us a beautiful day for John’s commencement ceremonies. Perhaps rain is God’s enduring way of testing our love for John, and if today and last night are any measure, I think we passed the test with flying colors. When the officers arrived at our door Saturday morning to give us the tragic news about John, our hearts and our lives stopped. The thought was too hard to comprehend and any parent’s worst nightmare. Our son, who had just graduated from the United States Naval Academy with academic honors, was looking forward with excitement and anticipation to entering flight school in Pensacola in September. He was also excited about coming home for his mother’s birthday, and giving us the latest news from the Naval Academy, where he was stationed for the summer during Plebe training exercises. One of the police officers who came to our door was Bob Fischer, the father of Peter Fischer, who is one of those Plebes at the Academy. In June, our son had presented Peter with his appointment at an award ceremony at Egg Harbor Township High School, where John graduated 4th in his class in 1996.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Challenges of Employing Business Ethics and Values Essays -- Integrity

Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Integrity I have experienced the benefit of having integrity at my workplace. I was given the task of training a difficult new employee and reporting back to management with daily assessments. My manager trusted that I would keep all of our meetings and correspondence confidential. She also expected that I would be honest in my assessments of the employee's progress and she relied on me to provide adequate training. Even though we had huge personality differences and different work styles, I treated her like any new trainee. By acting with integrity, I gained the respect and confidence from management which resulted in a promotion. I placed integrity at the top of my list because I believe that acting with integrity is a fundamental value in any ethical decision. To me, integrity means holding myself to a high set of moral values and standards. I could have treated our new hire badly or unfairly, or talked to my team members about her progress, but that would mean stooping below my beliefs. Acting with integrity isn't easy. It means adhering to a high set of values, even if my friends are doing something wrong. It means looking at a situation objectively and making a conscious decision everyday to hold myself to that higher standard. Accountability I have seen accountability play an important role in the work place. My mentor taught me to take responsibility for my mistakes and to not point fingers. One of her accounts had a mistake on their pricing and we over-charged them $50,000. It came down to an oversight that she had made. Instead of pointing fingers ... ...dition, the members of our department rallied together to support her. As a department we raised over $400 to donate to a charity in her brother's name. I have chosen compassion as my fifth value because I believe compassion develops relationships with people and shows concern for the well being of others. This value is the last on my list because I believe that the other values play a larger part in ethical decisions, although compassion is no less important. Having compassion for others demonstrates an investment in the relationship and that decisions aren't based entirely on the business aspect, but also on the welfare of others. Compassion can be difficult and exhausting. When a decision influences the lives of many, it can be hard to think about the feelings of those impacted. Without compassion, a decision may be more black and white and easier to make.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Developmentally appropriate practice Essay

In your own words, explain what the term developmentally appropriate practice means to you. Developmentally appropriate practice is centered on the understanding of children’s social and culture backgrounds, as it will allow you to gain the knowledge of how to assist children as they develop and learn. Describe at least two personal connections you made with the DAP information you discovered on the NAEYC site. The two personal connections I made with the DAP information I discovered on the NAEYC site would be The 10 effective teaching strategies, due to the fact that they are efficient methods for teachers, but at the same time efficient enough for parents, as I’m sure we use them often with our own children. Another connection would be DPA with relation to the DAP with Preschoolers, Ages 3-5. It stated that children are able to learn and absorb more when they fill safe and comfortable in there learning environment. This I really think that applies not only to kids, but also adults. Everyone performs better when they are not stressed or unaware. It is important when working with children to interact with them while they play, I know see that there is always a learning opportunity while playing. It might be cooking in the kitchen with the kids, while pretending to eat, or drink tea. I remember, not to long a observing some of my student sitting at a play table eating pretend snacks that they made along with drinks, I asked the kids what they made, which allowed me to see if they knew what their snack was that they made. Summarize three main things you learned from exploring the site. How will they impact your career in early childhood education? The first thing that sunk in my head knowing what is normal at each age and stage of development, which is crucial. The next is that it is key to build a relationship with parents of children, so that you will have an idea of their goals for their child along with their expectations. â€Å"We must make an effort to get to know the children’s families and learn about the values, expectations, and factors that shape their lives at home and in their communities. This background information helps us provide meaningful, relevant, and respectful learning experiences for each child and family† ( The last thing I obtained from exploring the site is the key factor that will allow families to maintain involvement in their child’s developmental  and educational journey. Meaning teacher-parent communication is crucial factor. Give a description of why play is an important part of a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Be sure to support your statements with at least one scholarly source. Give an explanation of how play can help to support a child’s physical, cognitive, and affective development. I would say that play is important factor in a early childhood, because it allows children to deal with their emotions and behaviors as well as the emotions of their friends and classmates. Thiis could include controlling feelings, how to follow limits and expectations, learning how to socialize, how to develop friendship by sharing, children also learn language by engaging in conversations. Play allow children to build developmental skills such as fine and gross motor skills, logic/ reasoning skills, and critical thinking skills. Play allows many opportunities for lessons to be learned. Children learn through play using cognitive, physical, and affective development. Playing different games and activities is an effective method for learning and it also demonstrates cognitive learning where the child connects with and identifies while playing. Physical skills allows the child to maintain balance, along with accessing there fine and gross motor skills, which will help them become mobile. â€Å"Affective development is key when referring to children learning through play, because it highlights social needs, physical, and language development† (Hao, Y., 2000). An example of one play-based activity that demonstrates to parents how play supports their child’s development. For instance, you could explain how playing a game of hopscotch can help a child with their gross motor skills (physical development) and counting (cognitive development). Please make sure that your play-based activity is an original idea or that if you use an idea from an outside source it is properly formatted according to APA as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Also, this should be a brief description of an activity. It is not a lesson plan. A play based activity that could support a child development could be having  a water table set up, with different rubber fishes. The plan would be to give the children play fishing pole to try and catch fish. The cognitive part would be to identify what color fish and how many fish they caught. They would be using physical development by applying there fine motor skills, because they would be trying to maneuver the fishing poles in such ways to catch a fish. It will also allow them to interact and observed the children that do catch fish, hoping that the next student will follow in order to catch a fish. Reference Hao, Y. (2000). Relationship between Teachers’ Use of Reflection and Other Selected Variables and Preschool Teachers’ Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Practice.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Managing Market Acceptance (Case Study)

Field course ‘Developing for Markets’ 2011 Case 2 BD Group: Introducing the Chicka Phone 1 Contents Introduction:3 Part 1 – Influencing market acceptance in a consumer market3 1. 1 Knowledge phase3 1. 2 Persuasion phase4 1. 3 Decision phase4 1. 4 Implementation phase4 1. 5 Confirmation phase4 Part 2 – Influencing market acceptance in a B2B market4 2. 1 Influencing individual members of the DMU5 2. 2 Influencing the customer firm5 2. 3 Influencing a whole market segment5 2. 4 Influencing several market segments6 Part 3 – Evaluating market acceptance6 3. 1 Evaluate Market acceptance in an consumer market6 3. Evaluate Market acceptance in an B2B market7 Reference list8 Introduction: In this case we will treat different aspects in the field of Business Development. The theme is developing for markets, where the processes of adoption and diffusion will be elaborated. To illustrate the theory behind these processes, a case will be presented about a new sta rt-up company, which is named the BD Group. The BD Group has been innovating their communication systems, and want to bring it to the market. For the consumer market, the BD Group wants to bring a new consumer phone: the Chicka Phone 1. This phone holds their new and nnovative technology addressing in particular the needs of students who are much socially active. For the B2B the BD Group is interested in exploiting the technology to other companies. This paper focuses on aspects a company should take into account before bringing a new product to a market and how it can evaluate the market acceptance when a product is actually launched. The former will be addressed in two parts in this paper. In the first part will be referred specific marketing tools that can be used when bringing a new product to the consumer market, and in the second part, this will be done for bringing a new product to a B2B market.The third part will show how to evaluate the market acceptance when the product is actually launched to one (or both) markets. Part 1 – Influencing market acceptance in a consumer market Many proactive firms try to positively influence market acceptance of their newly introduced products. This means that this company has to deal with both (1) the adoption processes at the level of individual customers and (2) the diffusion processes at the market level. In order to do so, a company can use different tools. In this section these tools will be addressed.This will be done using the model of Rodgers (1995) of Stages in the innovation decision process, see also figure 1. The theory will be illustrated by using the case of BD Group. Figure 1: A Model of Stages in the Innovation-Decision Process (Rodgers, 1995) A new company, called the BD Group is going to bring the new Chicka Phone 1 to the market. Different actions have to be considered by BD Group in the adoption process, this to influence the adoption at the individual level. In each phase of the innovation- decision process; the knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation phase, different tools are needed. . 1 Knowledge phase â€Å"Knowledge occurs when an individual (or other decision making unit) learns of the innovation's existence and gains some understanding of how it functions† (Rogers, 1995, p. 20). In the knowledge stage innovators and early adaptors become most engaged. In this stage, information from a different variety of sources and references (statistics etc. ) will be most effective in increasing awareness and adoption of the Chicka Phone 1. Knowledge should be spread in different kind of forms, from commercials to face to face contact with potential customers for the Chicka Phone 1. 1. 2 Persuasion phase Persuasion occurs when an individual (or other decision-making unit) forms a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the innovation† (Rogers, 1995, p. 20). The persuasion stage is about uncertainty reduction for the customer. The custom er wants to learn about the consequences the innovation will have on his or her personal situation (Rogers, 1995). Interpersonal networks play an important role, as customers are likely to be influenced by subjective evaluation of their peers (Rogers, 1995). In practice, this means that the information needs to reach a select group of customers first, before it can travel via worth of mouth.The groups to be reached first by the BD Group are the innovators and the early adopters. As these groups are eager to figure out more about the innovation, they can be presented with comparison charts and an overview of the benefits. Other persuasive communications tools that fit into this phase are benchmarks, cost comparisons and product reviews (Brenner, 2007). Once these groups are convinced of the value of the product they will start communicating with the early and late majority, which will lead to the laggards. 1. 3 Decision phase Decision occurs when an individual (or other decision-maki ng unit) engages in activities that lead to a choice to adopt or reject the innovation† (Rogers, 1995, p. 20). Again, the customer wants to reduce uncertainty and is likely to be influenced by subjective evaluations within his or her interpersonal networks in this stage (Rogers, 2010). To address this problem, the effect of word of mouth should be enhanced by positive confirmation from other sources. This can be done by the use of social media and free communication channels such as YouTube. com.Providing positive product reviews will help the customer to make the right decision process. 1. 4 Implementation phase â€Å"Implementation occurs when an individual (or other decision-making unit) puts an innovation into use. Re-invention is especially likely to occur at the implementation stage† (Rogers, 1995, p. 20). In the implementation stage marketing and communication will become more and more important. Ongoing communications should be used to satisfy the customers of t he BD Group. A good customer service that has a high availability can be integrated in the organization to satisfy customer needs.Also, a platform for customer feedback is needed, as re-invention is likely to occur. 1. 5 Confirmation phase â€Å"Confirmation occurs when an individual (or other decision-making unit) seeks reinforcement of an innovation-decision that has already been made, but the individual may reverse this previous decision if exposed to conflicting messages about the innovation† (Rogers, 1995, p. 20). Dissatisfaction should be prevented, therefore communication channels should be established to provide proper service.Adjusted and improved versions of the phone should be considered to keep the customers satisfied and attract potential customers. Part 2 – Influencing market acceptance in a B2B market Influencing market acceptance in a B2B market differs of that in a consumer market. In a B2B market, decisions to implement a technology is usually not mad e individually, but involves a comprehensive Decision Making Unit (DMU), consisting of both individuals inside the customer firm and outside organizations (such as consultants).Therefore influencing market acceptance in a B2B market, is a more complex process and before it is done, there should be made a clear distinction of trying to (1) influence an individual members of the DMU, (2) influence the customer firm, (3) influence a whole market segment, or (4) influence several market segments. The BD Group wants to sell their technology to other businesses. The technology concerned is a sophisticated communication technology, and the company is convinced this technology could have many benefits for other businesses. 2. Influencing individual members of the DMU Influencing individual members of the DMU is comparable with individuals in a consumer market, only the influence is mainly limited to the knowledge and persuasion phase. The process for doing so, is called diffusion. Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system (Rogers, 1995, p. 35). So when the BD Group wants to influence individual members of the DMU,   they have to reach them personally or trough their social systems.An effective way of acieving this, is by offering the new equipment directly to these individuals, or to his or hers direct colleagues. When offering the communication system to this individual or his or hers social contacts, the benefits and the novelty of the product should be emphasized. But because it concerns complex equipment only approaching the individual and explaining the benefits and novelty, would probably not be sufficient. In order to convince him or her, this person also has to experience the product.To ensure a sufficient experience, (1) a trial version of the system could be offered, combined with a tutorial which shows the ease of use and the novelty of the product, or (2) a try- out event could be organized, in which the individual can directly ask questions to product experts when needed. These offers should of course meet the knowledge the individual that (might) already possess, and also should be realizable in terms of costs and technical possibilities for offering these instances. 2. 2 Influencing the customer firmBD Group could could also try to influence the whole customer firm. Influencing the customer firm can be done by reaching multiple levels within the firm. Given the likelihood of the presence of individuals of multiple classifications of the adoption model, i. e. innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards, the manufacturer should consider methods to reach these different segments, since this will result in a different attitude of the people within the firm towards the communication system.In order to make the communication system known to an organization, possible innovators and early adopters should be identified, because they can be ‘used’ in later stages to convince the early and late majority to adopt the system, because late adopters overweight the current system’s benefits over the new one by a factor of three (Gourville, 2006). The innovators and early adopters can be regarded as the first ones which are enthusiastic about the system, even when it is not flawless yet.Since they like to try something new and are regarded as the ‘opinion leaders’, they can convince decision makers to make use of the system. To ensure that they are convinced themselves, evidence from research, press releases or other third party confirmations could be provided to them. 2. 3 Influencing a whole market segment Because the technology of BD Group is sophisticated, it could also try to get market acceptance by emphasizing one particular part of the technology that really stands out, and offer this for free.By addressing one specific need or a service, and offer that particular service for free, the whole technology would be taken for granted. A good example of this came of another telephone technology business, RIM, it has made its service (ping) for free, but earned money by selling phones. Another possibility is to use traditional marketing tools, like advertisement campaigns. By using specific trade journals which can be addressed to specific market segment, businesses of this specific segment could get aware or familiar with the new communication system. Also using existing ‘partners’ can be beneficial.So could BD Group work together with another (mobile) phone company, like Motorola, to use their market access to make a market segment familiar with the new system. In addition to specialist journals an organization can also use specific Internet pages to inform visitors about the new system and offer them an easy opportunity to learn more about the system. This should not be done by so called banners, since many visitors find them annoyin g, but by creating a short bulletin on the home page for example. Finally, an organization can use an exhibition at which they can physically show the system to potential users.However, the effectiveness is really depending on the market segment, but the advantage is that an exhibition will mostly be visited by higher involved people of DMU’s in the segment. 2. 4 Influencing several market segments To influence the broadest group of several market segments, an organization could try to influence the end user of the communications system, notwithstanding the fact that the company is active in a B2B market, to make them aware of the product and convince the different market segments that there is enough demand for the new communications system.This influencing of the end user could be done with broadcasting tools which will have the greatest potential reach. That are television commercials, radio messages and some Internet advertisements, excluding banners since these are more suited for products with lower involvement of the user. Part 3 – Evaluating market acceptance Market acceptance can be described as the process in which a good or service satisfies the needs of a sufficiently large number of customers or business customers to continue or increase its production or availability.With this definition in mind, a set of variables will be put forward to measure the degree of market acceptance in the mobile phone market. BD Group will use these variables to measure the success of the Chicka Phone 1. First factors that can influence market acceptance of the consumer market are proposed and will be explained how to analyse these factors. After that, the same will be done for the B2B market. 3. 1 Evaluate Market acceptance in an consumer marketBy Huizingh (2008) it is stated that the adoption decision, which is the decision from a consumer or a company to buy a certain product, depends on four variables: perceived product characteristics, activities of the supplier, characteristics of the customer and external factors. Therefore, for the BD Group it can be stated that the degree of market acceptance that will be achieved for the Chicka Phone 1 depends on these factors. Figure 2: Diverse group of factors which determine market acceptance of an innovation In the competitive industry of mobile phones it might be difficult to find market acceptance.Moderators influencing market acceptance are mentioned above in a model. Variables that BD Group, a supplier of the new mobile phone can use to measure the market acceptance of customers can be the following: * Amount of complaints of customers * Intensity of use * Total base of customers * Profits on the Chicka Phone 1 * Increase of selling in different phases of the PLC * Amount of positive comments in social media * Amount of positive comments in expert sites The different variables are chosen, because of their relationship with market acceptance.This are indicators of market acceptance and are directly measurable. The indicators are measuring the degree of market acceptance from the customers of the Chicka Phone 1. Factors influencing the degree of market acceptance of BD Group are different than the indicators mentioned. These are discussed in figure 2. 3. 2 Evaluate Market acceptance in an B2B market Following the same reasoning mentioned earlier, the influencing factors of the degree of market acceptance for the BD Group are: perceived product characteristics, activities of the supplier, characteristics of the customer and external factors.Rogers argued that the rate of adoption of an innovation is determined by the perceived attributes of the innovation (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability), the type of innovation-decision (optional, collective, authority), communication channels (mass media or interpersonal), the nature of the social system and the extent of change agents’ promotion efforts. However, due to t he specifics of B2B market, the measuring variables differ comparing to consumer’s market. Economic factors: initial cost may affect its rate of adoption, therefore by decreasing the price during diffusion process; a rapid rate of acceptance can be expected * Status aspects: one motivation for organizations to adopt an innovation is the desire to gain social status (for example the CE mark on products increases customer’s trust, therefore many companies want to have it on their products and pay significant fees to such organizations) * Relative advantage: as organizations pass through the decision process, they are motivated to seek information in order to decrease uncertainty about the relative advantage of an innovation.Potential adopters want to know the degree to which a new system is better than the existing one. * Preventive innovation: in order to lower some unwanted future events, an organization might adopt the new system. * Compatibility: with socio-cultural values and beliefs; previously introduced systems/ideas; client needs for the innovation. Reference list Brenner, B. K. (2007). Adopt a Marketing Model to Increase Client Satisfaction. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 61(3), 8 – 10. Gourville, J.T. (2006). Eager Sellers, Stony Buyers. Harvard Business Review,84(4), 99 – 106. Huizingh, E. H (2008), Innovatie Succes is geen toeval Frambach, R. T. and N. Schillewaert (2002), Organizational Innovation Adoption; A Multi-Level Framework of Determinants and Opportunities for Future Research, Journal of Business Research, 55, 163-176 Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations (4th ed). New York: The Free Press. http://www. slideshare. net/davidonoue/diffusion-of-innovation-slides-for-chapter-6

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Macy's short-term debt and shareholder's equity Essay

Macy's short-term debt and shareholder's equity - Essay Example The short-term debt however, declined from $1,103 in 2012 to $124 in February 2nd 2013. This shows a decline by $979. This is due to a decline in the company’s desire for short-term financing (Kline 87). It is also important to check on the financial health of Macy’s Inc. due to the short-term debt. This is done with reference to the cash and cash equivalents of Macy’s. The cash and cash equivalents were on the rise from $1,464 in 2011 to $2,827 in 2012. Thus, the company was in perfect financial position since it could repay the debt from its cash and cash equivalents. The financial health of Macy’s Inc. is evident through increase of short-term debt from the year 2011 to 2012. In the year 2013, the cash and cash equivalents reduced to $1,836. The financial health was also good since the cash and cash equivalents exceeded the short-term debt (Stickney & Weil 69). In the case of shareholders equity, there was a slight increase from $5,530 in 2011 to $5,933 in 2012. It further increased to $6,051 in 2013. The ordinary and preference shares are provided by the shareholders and they run the company in their shareholding capacity. The shares form a part of liability to the company in the form of capital. Therefore, shareholders equity is rising all through but the health of the company is also good since the total assets are more than the shareholders equity. In general, the company has a good financial performance (Khan

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

LAWS310 Percy Vs. Derby (Write a persuasive argument) Essay

LAWS310 Percy Vs. Derby (Write a persuasive argument) - Essay Example This was how the case of Severson v. Elberon Elevator, Inc. was ruled. Severson was promised the ability to purchase real estate from Elberon Elevator, but Elberon Elevator breached this contract. The court came to the rightful decision that having Elberon merely pay damages would not be enough because the promised real estate was uniquely situated to Severson's needs; specific action would be required. (Iowa Supreme Court, 1977). Similarly, Percy was promised a unique piece of property that was uniquely situated to needs. Darby agreed by contract to sell Percy this one of a kind, hand-crafted gazebo that happens to be well-situated for Percy's hilly backyard. There are no other gazebos like it; no amount of money that Darby paid in damages could buy Percy what he was promised the ability to purchase. Darby also agreed by contract to move and install the gazebo into Percy's yard. No matter how much money Darby paid to Percy in damages, it has been clearly established that there are no other parties willing to undertake this installation. Due to the unique nature of the gazebo and rare willingness Darby showed to install it, Darby fully owes Percy specific performance. Those misguidedly in favor of the defendant, Darby, may point to the case of Yonan v. Oak Park Federal Savings, but they do so in error.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Economic Crisis In Cyprus Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic Crisis In Cyprus - Dissertation Example Researchable Context: The study is going to examine how competition and increased public and private debt contributed to the Cypriot financial crisis. It would also examine the rescue model that was used in Cyprus in the economic crisis, bail-in of the Cypriot banks imposed by Euro group, and what it could have been done by the government and banks to avoid this situation. It would also provide recommendations to avert the financial crisis. The rationale for the study: Over the last decade, the Greek government has borrowed greatly from international markets in order to pay for its trade deficits and budget. Investors became nervous that the public debt was soaring high, which drove up Greece’s borrowing costs. With the banking systems in Cyprus were experiencing intense pressure; they amassed â‚ ¬22 billion of Greek private sector debt. This increase in public and private debt reduced economic growth plunging the country into a crisis (Faustman and Kaymak, 2013). This market concern is what initiated the study to examine how public and private debt contributed to the Cypriot Eurozone crisis. Although Cyprus had been experiencing rising living standards before the commencement of the economic crisis in 2012, serious problems surfaced in the Cypriot banking sector as early as 2011. Cyprus borrowing costs slowly increased due to its exposure to the Greek debt (Theophanous, 2013). Furthermore, the public debt that was owned by the foreigners increased thus making the economy unsustainable thus creating the crisis. High public debt is very detrimental to economic growth.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Market segmentation in the airline industry Essay

Market segmentation in the airline industry - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that success in marketing can be achieved by matching the organizational capabilities with the requirements of the marketplace. This matching is based on market segmentation. Market and their segments are clusters of potential customers. Market segmentation is a proactive process which involves the application of analytic techniques. Market segmentation has been defined as the process of dividing the total market into a number of smaller, more homogeneous submarkets, termed market segments. A heterogeneous group of customers is grouped into homogeneous groups or segments. Each of these segments requires a different marketing mix to service their needs. The concept of segmentation comes naturally to human beings. This categorization reduces uncertainty and simplifies procedures. This very principle, when applied to marketing, is known as market segmentation, which helps to unify groups of consumers. The market has to be first defined in term s of the product’s end users and their needs. It is then divided into various groups according to different characteristics. To reach the customers in the most effective way, market segmentation can be based on general variables like demographics, socio-economic, geographical, or psychographic. While demographics look at the general characteristics of the age, income, education, and occupation, psychographic variable delves deeper into people’s lifestyles and attitudes.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Film Study - Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film Study - - Essay Example His interaction with the world will lay basis of the analysis and will portray interpersonal communication ability of the actors. The events in Hunting’s life indicate how childhood exposure may affect interactions between individuals. The mother son relation between Hunting and his mother indicates the nature at which he perceives persons of the opposite sex hence affecting his relationship with Skylar. This concept is also visible when Hunting attacks on a man who wronged him during his childhood life. The concept can be replicated in an organization setup where conflict resolution and consultation becomes important when averting a recurrence of a negative event. The ability to communicate becomes effective once a person uses it to solve complex issues. The complex nature of communication provides avenues in which individuals may approach a conflict. In Will’s situation, alternative avenues are provided for him hence behavioral therapy advised rather than years in solitaire. Hunting displays traits that result to conflict hence demining the essence of interpersonal communication. The negative emotions that Hunting displays towards a man who once assaulted him and the police officer indicate the nature in which negative emotions may escalate into a conflict and that it may affect relations between two individual. The motive of Will Hunting is to seek revenge thus ignoring the essence of dialogue and consultation as a means of resolving conflicts. Communication is a vital tool while discovering mistakes and indicating ways in which individual may journey themselves towards change. The willingness to change is evident once Hunting begins his therapy recommended to him by the professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The therapy sessions are aimed at providing Hunting with an insight on behavioral change hence acting as a tool of conflict resolution. The therapy allows will to rediscover himself through a second

Friday, October 4, 2019

Secular law Essay Example for Free

Secular law Essay Incidents in which police officers shoot and kill citizens often provoke substantial controversy. And this is even more true where the shooting occurs as a consequence of a person’s own provocative behavior and in circumstances that be defined as amounting to a victim provoked shooting or a victim precipitated shooting. Where death occurs it may be victim precipitated homicide, and in other terms as suicide by cop. Despite the fact that such events are surprisingly common, the literature is unexpectedly sparse and is often, lacking in empirical study. Outside the law enforcement community, the existence of the phenomenon is not well known and is certainly too often seriously misunderstood. But understanding suicide itself will help to give some understanding to this type of assisted suicide and how it is seen in the eyes of a criminologist. First I want to examine the criminologist perspective of suicide and this was first introduced by Emile Durkheim with his research on suicide that laid the foundation for anomie or strain theory. Anomic suicide, he postulated, occurs when rapid or extreme social change or crisis threatens group norms. People become uncertain of the appropriateness of their behavior. This results in a state of confusion or normlessness. Durkheim’s examples referred to the higher suicide rates during wars and revolutions as well as during periods of economic recession, depression, or advancement. Durkheim considered fatalistic and anomic suicides as opposites, that is, the former reflecting over-control while the latter represents a lack of normative control. Criminologists have extended the idea of anomie or strain to account for the genesis of crime. Durkheim’s four types of suicide are: Egoistic, which is suicide resulting from a weakening of commitment to group values and goals, especially when the individual has come to rely on primarily upon his or her own resources. Altruistic, suicide precipitated by an over-commitment to group values and norms. Fatalistic, suicide derived from excessive regulation. And Anomic, suicide that occurs when rapid or extreme social change or crisis threaten group norms (Vowell May, 2000). In a historical perspective those who believe that the roster of victimless crimes ought to be thinned or eliminated argue that an essential trait of a democracy is that it extends freedom to all citizens so long as that freedom does not infringe upon the equivalent liberty of other people. Those holding this view assert that victimless offenses are outlawed primarily on moral and religious grounds. For example prostitution violates theological dictates condemning fornication and adultery. But most Western religions also condemn a considerable variety of other acts that the criminal law ignores, such as taking the Lord’s name in vain. Suicide also is abhorred in Catholic theology. In earlier times, suicides were declared criminal offenders, their goods confiscated, and their bodies buried in unhallowed ground at crossroads, with stakes driven through their hearts. These views no longer influence secular law. And it is argued, should any other facets of any group’s moral or religious beliefs be imposed by law on those who do not accept the group’s principles unless it can be shown that a particular action harms others. The opposing position holds that victimless crime is a faulty construct that in actual fact there is no such thing. Prostitutes, it is said, degrade women in genera, transmit AIDS and venereal diseases, disrupt families and support men who exploit them ruthlessly. Drug addicts, because of their habit, often are unable to engage regularly in productive work and steal from innocent victims (Schneider, 2000).