Monday, December 30, 2019

King Philip Regime and Government in Paris 1200 by John W....

King Philip Regime and Government In the novel, Paris 1200 by John W. Baldwin, King Philip (Philip Augustus), was an important contributor to the growth of the French Monarchy. He was able to increase the Monarchy better then any other King before him. He defeated many enemies, sought to overtake the British crown and embarked on a third crusade. King Philip Augustus brought financial stability to the country and was very popular amongst his subjects. King Philip when assigned King had many goals to achieve to make his Kingdom the most powerful. He changed the political structure to better suit these goals and allow for a better transition with his changes. King Philip Augustus had different relationships, good and bad, with the Catholic Church, the Parisian Elite and England. Philip II, starting at such a young age, had high expectations for the development of the Kingdom. Philip Augustus was the late son of King Louis VII and it was a miracle that King Louis VII could bear a son so late in his regime. â€Å"His birth at Paris on 21 August 1165 was the occasion of exceptional rejoicing for his parents, and for the Parisian population because it brought long years of anxiety to a close† (Baldwin 71). The country finally felt secure knowing there was a male hair in line to rule the Kingdom. King Philip was the son of Louis VII and Alix de Champagne. He was born in Paris and spent as much time as possible in the capital area. His father planned to associate Philip with him on theShow MoreRelatedVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 PagesJonathan has $400 a week to spend. (a) Write down a budget equation for Jonathan, where W stands for the number of bottles of whiskey, T stands for the number of pairs of tennis shoes, and M for the number of gourmet restaurant meals that he consumes. 20W + 80T + 50M = 400. (b) Draw a three-dimensional diagram to show his budget set. Label the intersections of the budget set with each axis. M 8 5 20 T W (c) Suppose that he determines that he will buy one pair of designer tennis shoes

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Modernist Styles, Including Cubism, Orphism, and Futurism...

Modernist styles, including Cubism, Orphism, and Futurism challenged the practices of traditional representational art. I will argue that modernist styles including Cubism, Orphism and Futurism did challenge the practices of traditional representational art. While some may argue that that the fact that modern styles were concerned with subject gives doubt to how challenging they really were to representational art I oppose this idea entirely. All art is representational in some way. Rather than a dismissing the concept of representation in art the modernist styles challenged the validity of the external representation, which had previously been the foundation of art, by focussing on conceptual representation. Traditional†¦show more content†¦Initially the search for a new, more truthful pictorial space was found in the introduction of time, the fourth dimension, into space. Around this time in history the concept that space and time where interlinked was suggested by Einstein’s theory of relativity which destroyed the concept that the dimensions of an object were absolute, by demonstrating that they depended on the relative position of the viewer. This abstract concept was portrayed in Cubism through the use of synthesised impressions of an image or space. As you view an image or object, your impression is not static but a moving collection of impressions over time. The use of multiple viewpoints aimed to compress a multiplicity of information gathered from various experiences of an object into one image. This innovation of a truer space is most evidently portrayed by the analytic phase of Cubism. Through the incorporation of the new artistic conventions the fragmentation of form was developed. The intention was to encompass the entire visual experience of an object into one image and through this idea an effective technique of breaking up form into planes and facets which each expressed a sample of visual information. The Cubist works now possessed a shallow pictorial space due to the abandonment of perspective on which these

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Return Nightfall Chapter 26 Free Essays

Ley lines. Stefan had spoken of them, and with the influence of the spirit world still on her, she had seen them without trying. Now, still lying on her side, channeling what remained of that Power to her eyes, she looked at the earth. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Nightfall Chapter 26 or any similar topic only for you Order Now And that was what made her mind go gray in terror. As far as she could see there were lines converging here from all directions. Thick lines that glowed with a cold phosphorescence, medium-sized lines that had the dull shine of bad mushrooms in a cellar, and tiny lines that looked like perfectly straight cracks of the outer surface layer of the world. They were like veins and arteries and nerves just under the skin of the clearing-beast. No wonder it seemed alive. She was lying on a massive convergence of ley lines. And if the cemetery was worse than this – she couldn’t imagine what it might look like. If Damon had somehow found a way to tap into that Power†¦no wonder he seemed different, arrogant, undefeatable. Ever since he had released her to drink Matt’s blood, she had kept shaking her head, trying to shake off the humiliation with it. But now finally she stopped as she tried to calculate a way to make use of this Power. There had to be a way to do it. The grayness wouldn’t clear from her vision. Finally Elena realized that it was not because she was faint, but because it was getting dark – twilight outside the clearing, true darkness coming into it. She tried again to lift herself up, and this time she succeeded. Almost immediately a hand was extended to her and, automatically, she took it, letting it draw her to her feet. She faced – whoever it was, Damon or whatever was using his features or his body. Despite the almost-darkness, he still wore those wraparound sunglasses. She could make nothing out of the rest of his face. â€Å"Now,† the thing in the sunglasses said. â€Å"You’re going to come with me.† It was nearing full dark, and they were in the clearing that was a beast. This place – it was unwholesome. She was afraid of the clearing as she had never been afraid of a person or creature. It resounded with malevolence, and she couldn’t shut her ears to it. She had to keep thinking, and keep thinking straight, she thought. She was terribly frightened for Matt; frightened that Damon had taken too much blood or had played too hard with his toy; breaking it. And she was afraid of this Damon thing. She was also worried about the influence this place might have had on the real Damon. The woods around them shouldn’t have any effect on vampires, except to hurt them. Was the possible-Damon inside the possessor hurt? If he could understand anything of what was happening, could he distinguish that hurt from his hurt and anger at Stefan? She didn’t know. She did know that there had been a terrible look in his eyes when Stefan had told him to get out of the boardinghouse. And she did know that there were creatures in the forest, malach, that could influence a person’s mind. She was afraid, deeply afraid, that the malach were using Damon now, blackening his darkest desires and twisting him into something horrible, something he had never been even at his worst. But how could she be sure? How could she know whether or not there was something else behind the malach, something that controlledthem ? Her soul was telling her that this might be the case, that Damon might be completely unconscious of what his body was doing, but that might just be wishful thinking. Certainly all she could sense around her were small, evil creatures. She could feel them encircling the clearing, strange insect-like beings like the one that had attacked Matt. They were in a furor of excitement, whipping their tentacles around to make a noise almost like a buzzing helicopter. Were they influencing Damon now? Certainly, he had never before hurt any of the other humans she knew the way he had today. She had to get all three of them out of this place. It was diseased, contaminated. Once again she felt a wave of longing for Stefan, who might know what to do in this situation. She turned, slowly, to look at Damon. â€Å"May I call someone to come and help Matt? I’m afraid to leave him here; I’m afraidthey’ll get him.† Just as well to let him know that she knewthey were hiding in the liverwort and the rhododendron and mountain holly bushes all around. Damon hesitated; he seemed to consider it. Then he shook his head. â€Å"We wouldn’t want to give them too many clues to where you are,† he said cheerily. â€Å"It’ll be an interesting experiment to see if the malach do get him – and how they do it.† â€Å"It wouldn’t be an interesting experiment forme .† Elena’s voice was flat. â€Å"Matt is my friend.† â€Å"Nevertheless, we’ll leave him here for now. I don’t trust you – even to giveme a message to Meredith or Bonnie – to send on my phone.† Elena didn’t say anything. As a matter of fact, he was right not to trust her, as she and Meredith and Bonnie had worked out an elaborate code of harmless-sounding phrases as soon as they knew that Damon was after Elena. A lifetime ago for her – literally – but she could still remember them. Silently, she simply followed Damon to the Ferrari. She was responsible for Matt. â€Å"You’re not putting up much of an argument this time, and I wonder what you’re plotting.† â€Å"I’m plotting that we might as well get on with it. If you’ll tell me what  ¡Ã‚ ®it’ is,† she said, more bravely than she felt. â€Å"Well, now what  ¡Ã‚ ®it’ is, is up to you.† Damon gave Matt a kick in the ribs in passing. He was now pacing in a circle around the clearing, which seemed smaller than ever, a circle which didn’t include her. She took a few paces toward him – and slipped. She didn’t know how it happened. Maybe the giant animal breathed. Maybe it was just the slick pine needles under her boots. But one moment she was heading for Matt and the next her feet had gone out from under her and she was heading for the ground with nothing to grab onto. And then, smoothly and unhurriedly, she was in Damon’s arms. With centuries of Virginian etiquette behind her she automatically said, â€Å"Thank you.† â€Å"My pleasure.† Yes, she thought. That’s all it means. It ishis pleasure, and that’s all that matters. That was when she noticed that they were headed for her Jaguar. â€Å"Oh, no, we don’t,† she said. â€Å"Oh, yes, we will – if I please,† he said. â€Å"Unless you want to see your friend Matt suffer like that again. At some point his heartwill give out.† â€Å"Damon.† She pushed her way out of his arms, standing on her own feet. â€Å"I don’t understand. This isn’t like you. Take what you want and go.† He just kept looking at her. â€Å"I was doing just that.† â€Å"You don’t have to† – for the life of her, she couldn’t keep a tremor out of her voice – â€Å"take me anywhere special to take my blood. And Matt won’t know. He’s out.† For a long moment there was silence in the clearing. Utter silence. The night birds and the crickets stopped making their music. Suddenly Elena felt as if she were on some kind of thrill ride that plummeted down, leaving her stomach and organs still at the top. Then Damon put it in words. â€Å"I wantyou . Exclusively.† Elena braced herself, trying to keep a clear head despite the fog that seemed to be invading it. â€Å"You know that that’s not possible.† â€Å"I know that it was possible for Stefan. When you were with him, you didn’t think about anything but him. You couldn’t see, couldn’t hear, couldn’t feel anything but him.† Elena’s gooseflesh now covered her whole body. Speaking carefully around the obstruction in her throat, she said, â€Å"Damon, did you do something to Stefan?† â€Å"Now, why would I want to do something like that?† Very low, Elena said, â€Å"You and I both know why.† â€Å"Do you mean,† Damon started out speaking casually, but his voice grew more intense as he gripped her shoulders, â€Å"so that you would see nothing butme , hear nothing butme , think of nothing butme ?† Still quietly, still controlling her terror, Elena said, â€Å"Take off the sunglasses, Damon.† Damon glanced upwards and around as if to reassure himself that no last ray of sunset could pierce the green-gray world that surrounded them. Then with one hand, he stripped off the sunglasses. Elena found herself looking into eyes that were so black there seemed to be no difference between iris and pupil. She†¦turned a switch in her brain, did something so that all her senses were tuned onto Damon’s face, his expression, the Power circulating through him. His eyes were still as black as the depths of an unexplored cave. No red. But then, he’d had time, this time to get ready for her. I believe what I saw before, Elena thought. With myown eyes. â€Å"Damon, I’ll do anything, anything you want. But you have to tell me.Did you do something to Stefan?† â€Å"Stefan was still high onyour blood when he left you,† he reminded her, and before she could speak to deny this – â€Å"and, to answer your question precisely, I don’t know where he is. On that, you have my word. But in any case, it’s true, what you were thinking earlier,† he added, as Elena tried to step away, to get out of the grip he had on her upper arms. â€Å"I’mthe only one, Elena. The only one you haven’t conquered. The only one you can’t manipulate. Intriguing, isn’t it?† Suddenly, in spite of her fear, she was furious. â€Å"Then why hurt Matt? He’s just a friend. What’s he got to do with it?† â€Å"Just a friend.† And Damon began to laugh the way he had before, eerily. â€Å"Well, I knowhe didn’t have anything to do with Stefan leaving,† Elena snapped. Damon turned on her, but by then the clearing was so dim that she couldn’t read his expression at all. â€Å"And who saidI did? But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make use of the opportunity.† He picked Matt up easily and held up something that shone silver from his other hand. Her keys. From her jeans pocket. Taken, no doubt, when she was lying unconscious on the ground. She could tell nothing from his voice, either, except that it was bitter and grim – all usual if he were talking about Stefan. â€Å"With your blood in him, I couldn’t have killed my brother if I had tried, the last time I saw him,† he added. â€Å"Didyou try?† â€Å"As a matter of fact, no. You have my word on that as well.† â€Å"And you don’t know where he is?† â€Å"No.† He hefted Matt. â€Å"What do you think you’re doing? â€Å"Taking him with us. He’s hostage for your good behavior.† â€Å"Oh, no,† Elena said flatly, pacing. â€Å"This is between you and me. You’ve hurt Matt enough.† She blinked and once again almost screamed to find Damon much too close, much too fast. â€Å"I’ll do whatever you want.Whatever you want. But not here out in the open and not with Matt around.† Come on, Elena, she was thinking. Where’s that vampy behavior when you want it? You used to be able to vamp any guy; now, just because he’s a vampire, you can’t do it? â€Å"Take me somewhere,† she said softly, intertwining her arm with his free one, â€Å"but in the Ferrari. I don’t want to go in my car. Take me in the Ferrari.† Damon paced back to the trunk of the Ferrari, unlocked it, and looked inside. Then he looked at Matt. It was clear that the tall, well-built boy wasn’t going to fit in to the trunk†¦at least, not with all his limbs attached. â€Å"Don’t you eventhink about it,† Elena said. â€Å"Just put him in the Jaguar with the keys and he’ll be safe enough – lock him in.† Elena fervently prayed that what she was saying was true. For a moment Damon said nothing, then he looked up with a smile so brilliant she could see it in the dusk. â€Å"All right,† he said. He dumped Matt on the ground again. â€Å"But if you try to run while I move the cars, I runhim over.† Damon, Damon, will you never understand? Humans don’tdo that to their friends, Elena thought as he brought the Ferrari out so he could bring the Jaguar in, so he could dump Matt in it. â€Å"All right,† she said in a small voice. She was afraid to look at Damon. â€Å"Now – what do you want?† Damon inclined from the waist in a very graceful bow, indicating the Ferrari. She wondered what would happen once she got in. If he were any normal attacker – if there wasn’t Matt to think about – if she didn’t fear the forest even more than she feared him†¦ She hesitated and then got into Damon’s car. Inside, she pulled her camisole out of her jeans to conceal the fact that she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. She doubted Damon ever wore a seat belt or locked his doors or anything like that. Precautions weren’t his thing. And now she prayed that he had other matters on his mind. â€Å"Seriously, Damon, where are we going?† she said as he got into the Ferrari. â€Å"First, how about one for the road?† Damon suggested, his voice fake-jocular. Elena had expected something like this. She sat passively as Damon took her chin in fingers that trembled slightly, and tilted it up. She shut her eyes as she felt the double-snakebite pinch of razor-sharp fangs piercing her skin. She kept her eyes shut as her attacker fastened his mouth on the bleeding flesh and began to drink deeply. Damon’s idea of â€Å"one for the road† was just what she would have expected: enough to put both of them in danger. But it wasn’t until she actually began to feel as if she would pass out any minute that she shoved at his shoulder. He held on for a few more very painful seconds just to show who was Boss here. Then he let go of her, licking his lips avidly, his eyes actually gleaming at herthrough the Ray-Bans. â€Å"Exquisite,† he said. â€Å"Unbelievable. Why you’re – â€Å" Yeah, tell me I’m a bottle of single malt scotch, she thought. That’s the way to my heart. â€Å"Can we go now?† she asked pointedly. And then, as she suddenly remembered Damon’s driving habits, she added deliberately, â€Å"Be careful; this road twists and turns a lot.† It had the effect she had hoped for. Damon hit the accelerator and they shot out of the clearing at high speed. Then they were taking the sharp turns of the Old Wood faster than Elena had ever driven through here; faster than anyone had dared go with her as a passenger before. But still, they wereher roads. From childhood on she had played here. There was only one family who lived right on the perimeter of the Old Wood, but their driveway was on the right side of the road – her side – and she got herself ready for it. He would take the sudden curve to the left just before the second curve that was the Dunstans’ driveway – and on the second curve she would jump. There was no sidewalk edging Old Wood Road, of course, but at that point there was a heavy growth of rhododendron and other bushes. All she could do was pray. Pray that she didn’t snap her neck on impact. Pray that she didn’t break an arm or leg before she limped through the few yards of woods to the driveway. Pray that the Dunstans were home when she pounded on their door and pray that they listened when she told them not to let the vampire in behind her. She saw the curve. She didn’t know why the Damon-thing couldn’t read her mind, but apparently he couldn’t. He wasn’t speaking and his only precaution against her trying to get out seemed to be speed. She was going to get hurt, she knew that. But the worst part of any hurt was fear, and she wasn’t afraid. As he rounded the curve, she pulled the handle and pushed open the door as hard as she could with her hands while she kicked it as hard as she could with her feet. The door swung open, quickly being caught by centrifugal force, as were Elena’s legs. As was Elena. Her kick alone took her halfway out of the car. Damon grabbed for her and got only a handful of hair. For a moment she thought he would keep her in, even without keeping hold of her. She tumbled over and over in the air, floating, remaining about two feet off the ground, reaching out to grab fronds, branches of bushes, anything she could use to slow her velocity. And in this place where magic and physics met; she was able to do it, to slow while still floating on Damon’s power, although it took her much farther from the Dunstans’ house than she wanted. Then she did hit the ground, bounced, and did her best to twist in the air, to take the impact on her buttock or the back of a shoulder, but something went wrong and her left heel hit first – God! – and tangled, swinging her around completely, slamming her knee into concrete – God, God! – flipping her in the air and bringing her down on her right arm so hard it seemed to be trying to drive it into her shoulder. She had the wind knocked out of her by the first blow and was forced to hiss air in by the second and third. Despite the flipping, flying universe, there was one sign she couldn’t miss – an unusual spruce growing into the road that she had noticed ten feet behind her when she’d exploded out of the car. Tears were pouring uncontrollably down her cheeks as she pulled at tendrils of bush that had entangled her ankle – and a good thing, too. A few tears might have blurred her vision, made her afraid – as she had been with the last two explosions of pain – that she might pass out. But she was out on the road, her eyes were washed clear, she could see the spruce and the sunset both directly ahead, and she was thoroughly conscious. And that meant that if she headed for the sunset but at a forty-five-degree angle to her right, she couldn’t miss the Dunstans’; driveway, house, barn, cornfield were all there to guide her after perhaps twenty-five steps in the woods. She had barely stopped rolling when she was pulling at the bush that had thwarted her and getting to her feet just as she pulled the last entangling stems from her hair. The calculation about the Dunstans’ house happened instantaneously in her head, even as she turned and saw the crushed swath she’d cut through the greenery and the blood on the road. At first she looked at her skinned hands in bewilderment; they couldn’t have left such a gory trail. And they hadn’t. One knee had been skinned – flayed, really – right through her jeans – and one seriously messed up leg, less bloody but causing her sheets of pain like white lighting even while she was not trying to move it. Two arms with quite a lot of skin removed. No time to find out how much or to figure out what she’d done to her shoulder. Ascreeeeeeech of brakes ahead. Lord, he’s slow. No, I’m fast, hyped up by pain and terror. Use it! She ordered her legs to sprint into the forest. Her right leg obeyed, but when she swiveled her left and it hit the ground fireworks went off behind her eyes. She was in a state of hyper-alertness; she saw the stick even as she was falling. She rolled over once or twice, which caused dull red flares of pain to go off in her head, and then she was able to grab it. It might have been specially designed for a crutch, around underarm height and blunt on one end but sharp on the other. She tucked it under her left arm and somehow willed herself up from her place in the mud: boosting off with her right leg and catching herself on the crutch so that she scarcely had to touch her left foot to the ground. She’d got turned around in the fall and had to twist to right herself again – but there she saw it, the last remains of sunset and the road behind her. Head forty-five-degrees right from that glow, she thought. Thank God, it was her right arm that was messed up; this way she could support herself with her left shoulder on the crutch. Still without a moment’s hesitation, without giving Damon an extra millisecond to follow her, she plunged in her chosen direction into the forest. Into the Old Wood. How to cite The Return: Nightfall Chapter 26, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Real-Life Heroes Essay Heroes abound in present times and many of them are fictional characters, for instance, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Thor. They’ve been significant in many people’s childhood and teenage years, but there’re also real-life heroes who embody the best human qualities and are acknowledged for making the difference. Heroes have always lived on the borderline between real world and that of imagination. On the one hand, we’re aware they’re not real because adults are constantly telling us heroes only exist in cartoons and movies. On the other hand, it seems that superheroes are real because they make us feel courageous when confronting adversities. That’s how a real-life hero can materialize himself these days: encouraged by a fictional character that, with his/her noble disposition, helps people deal with their fears and guides them into worthy achievement. Additionally, a modern, real-life hero isn’t a costumed crime fighter, but an ordinary person who’s resolved to be â€Å"braver five minutes longer. † To be a modern hero comes along with great responsibilities, thus an ordinary man’s mentality has to suffer a modification in order to understand that such responsibility is assumed, not imposed. Consequently, the capacity to take on responsibility where no one else would regard themselves as responsible, leads real-life heroes to do something about a situation rather than being helpless victims of it. The English poet Matthew Arnold once said: â€Å"The will is free; Strong is the soul, and wise, and beautiful; The seeds of god-like power are in us still; Gods are we, bards, saints, heroes, if we will! † which may mean that there’re honorable characteristics inherently human that can make anyone of us a real-life hero, opposite to cultural stereotypes and committed to embrace diversity –heroes may come in all sizes, colors, and shapes. Hence, those who organize the neighborhood to get a stop sign, open children’s libraries, and protest against the threat of contamination are the ordinary people who’ve taken responsibility regarding an affair and have done a meaningful effort to improve it. Finally, heroism doesn’t consist of wearing capes and tight clothes, and having superpowers to fight evil. Instead, it’s enough to develop a sense of responsibility to take a stand in those subjects that require a brave person to do something about them. We can all be modern-days heroes and be acknowledged for our contribution to a better society. Let’s make our own version of superheroes now! Bibliography: Arnold, Matthew. The Poems of Matthw Arnold. 1840-1867. London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1909; From, 2011. Debra, D., Norloff, C., Carne, P. Q Skills for Success. Reading and Writing 4 Student Book with Online Practice. USA: Oxford University Press; Pap/Psc St edition (2011)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Urban Legends Essay Example

Urban Legends Essay Urban legends are the stories youve probably hear from your neighbors and friends from time to time, read them in the newspapers, on some websites or even get them by e-mail. Brandon Toropov in his book The Complete Idiots Guide to Urban Legends defines a classical urban legend as a compelling story, which origin is enigmatic, the one that is spreading in various forms of humor or terror to deliver the lesson. (p.4). Tom Harris, the author of the article How Urban Legends Work found on the How Stuff Works Website says that urban legend is †¦any modern, fictional story, told as truth, that reaches a wide audience by being passed from person to person. Linda Degh in her book Legend and Belief: Dialectics of a Folklore Genre states that the phenomenon of urban legends have been existing for centuries now, at least the scientists who analyzed the folklore from classical antiquity, Middle Ages to the reign of queen Victoria. The things that changed about the old urban legends it is the setting and some minor details, but the plot and the morale often stay the same. The author stated that urban legends are the current outgrowth of traditional legendry, the modern variation of that mystic metaphysical nightmare stories that were told long ago near the campfires and fireplaces all over the world. (p.88) We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Legends specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Legends specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Legends specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The term urban legend was established and gained popularity through the Brunvands urban legend books; five volumes of stories and tales that were published in a period from 1981 to 1993. The publication of those books inspired the oral and media retelling of those stories and the appearance of the new ones. Year after year more and more books are published about the urban legends, websites and discussion groups appear, and the phenomenon of urban legends is spread further and popularized. Brandon Toropov marked out the eight standards to asses urban legend status. Those are:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the story is presented as having been experienced or seen by a friend of a friend (the FOAF attribution). It means that we never hear those stories from the immediate participator.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the teller seems a little to eager to insist the story is true  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the story plays to the common fear or concern  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the story is demonstrably false  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the story has appeared in multiple versions  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the story carries an important lesson or warning  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the storys been around for a long time  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the story is too good not to pass along. It has a clear structure, a beginning, middle and end sections, it uses devices such as a series of three rule etc (p.4-9) If you hear a story that features more than two or three of these elements, it is a good chance that it is an urban legend. The amount of urban legends is tremendous, they are hundreds of books and websites full of those, people retell them every day, they appear in the newspapers ad magazines, and sometimes the urban legends can also be heard from the TV screen. Some of them are totally unrealistic, it is seen from the first glance that they are fake and designed only for fun, but some of those look much like the true stories. In some cases there happens to be some background for this or that legend, but the information is biased and blurred, and sometimes it turns out that the urban legends base on the real facts. There are legends that live for a couple of month or weeks and are passed only through the oral canal of communication, but the other stories live for decades and even centuries. It also sometimes happens that the urban legends look like valid information, thus people begin to accept them as facts and base their decisions and actions on the information provided in those legends. Urban Legends, folklore and superstitions specialist from the New Jersey college, professor Steven Anderson states that the phenomenon of urban legends was born when people first began to form big settlements, where there was too much people for them to know each other. He states that urban legends have existed in all the towns and cities in the world throughout all the history of the humankind. He also adds that urban legends substituted the stories people told each other near the fire in the ancient times. Those stories contained the examples of what was good, and what was bad, about the important moral values. Urban legends â€Å"contain an important lesson or warning, and play to the common fear or concern†. One of the prominent examples of the urban legends is the Legend about Jelly Sex Bracelets. This legend has been transmitted from news market to news market across the nation. Searching the Web we found several dozens of the articles about the hidden meaning of the jelly bracelets published in the magazines, newspapers and even aired in the TV news. It is said that this story began in 2003, in Marion County, Florida, when the jelly bracelets were banned from the school after few youngsters spilled the meaning of the color of the jelly accessories to the adults It turned out that there was a game called Snap. The burden of the game is that girls and some boys, the pupils of the middle and junior high school, and even some children below the grade 3, wear colorful jelly bracelets, and each bracelet color has its specific meaning. When the bracelet is broken on the arm it becomes a coupon for some sexual act, from kissing to the intercourse. (Sex Bracelets, Snopes Website, 2003) This legend was spread by different means – through the newspaper articles, TV shows and, mostly, e-mails. Here is the example of one of those messages people got in their mailboxes. Subject: Colored Bracelets and our Children! A MUST READ! To all of my Concerned Christian Crew (CCC): Have you heard about the bracelets that have been banned in the middle school in OFallon. I did a show on it last night because 75% of our kids go to Fulton Middle School and their school was featured on Channel 4 Wednesday night for the principal banning them. The young girls have been wearing colored jelly bracelets. Each color indicates the sexual favors they will perform. I had no idea this was going onso last nightafter confirming all of the facts with KMOV Channel 4 television station.I did a show on it. After researching the story.I found out that this began in Florida and is now spreading nationwide. The kids confirmed that they knew about the bracelets and even educated me what each color means. The Blue is Oral; The red is lap dance; Black is with a condom; Red Black is a 69 position; Green is upper body only; Can you believe these are our 11-13 year olds.((Jelly Bracelets: An Invitation to Sex?, Urban Legends About Website, 2003). Since the appearance of this legend several schools nationwide have banned jelly bracelets from their areas. It can symbolize some sort of sexual involvement, and so when we learned that we decided to ban them from our school – said Katherine Ashton, the Vice Principal of the North Layton Junior High School (Jelly Sex Bracelets Banned At North Layton Jr. High, KSL Website, 2003). Another version of this story, found in the article from the Chicago Sun-Times is that its no need to break a bracelet on the girls arm, its enough just to steal it for to get the coupon. The author of the article also adds that various Web sites exist, so kids can educate themselves about the bracelets. The sites provide color codes, games and bulletin boards where they can post their bracelet sexploits. (2004) Mueller Park Junior High in Bountiful also banned the jelly bracelets. Chris Williams, spokesman for Davis School District, said the ban on the bracelets is not proof that this sort of game was actually going on in the school. However, Mueller Parks principal Doug Beer said there were a few incidents. The school officials say that they want to prevent even the possibility of some inappropriate things going on between the pupils. The article also notes that the researchers couldnt find a single child in their area who would play that game, and that only some of the kids new about the hidden meaning of the jelly accessories. (Teen bracelet just a bracelet, or is it? Deseret News, 2003) The curios and amusing fact is that, as   Martha Irvine who wrote the article in Chicago Sun-Times about the bracelets, most of the teenagers get to know about the hidden meaning of the color of their bracelets from the news reports and not from each other. She also notes that in some parts of the country the teens dont even know that the jelly bracelets had any other purpose than just a fashionable accessory. (Chicago Sun-Times, Teens say sex bracelet legend a mystery to them, 2003). So that its obvious that the adults themselves let to the outspread of this myth throughout the country by publishing numerous articles and airing news reports about the bracelets. But lets see deeper into the roots of this problem. If we analyze the actions of the educators and principals of our schools, and even the actions of the parents, we can say that the adults in our country are afraid of sexuality, and even more of the sexuality of their kids. Everything that is somehow connected with sex is strictly banned and forbidden, notes the article on the Canadian Parents Website. ( Jelly bracelets: urban legend attracts attention, but little critical thought, Canadian Parents Website ) The kids get a feeling they were engaged in something terribly wrong and shameful, and it often leads to the perverted perception of their own sexuality and sexuality of those who surround them, which, in its turn, will make them ban any sign of sexuality in their children when they will notice it. While such a policy exists in our country its no wonder that hundreds of thousands of people have to request help from the specialists every year, as they cant cope with their sexual disorders and problems in the personal life. Its very harmful for the kids psychic to let him/her in an informational vacuum considering sex and to strongly disapprove of his/her attempts to get the needed info somewhere else than parents or educators. Besides this policy is ineffective, as it is a proven fact that forbidding something to a group of children is a best way to make them do it. The ban of jelly accessories from schools just rises the interest towards the connotations associated with this item. (The home office of Claires a First Coast store that has been selling them for a long time, says sales have skyrocketed in the two weeks after the bracelets were banned in several schools in that area.) (. 80s Fashion Bracelets Raising Concern. Fox30 Online Website) There are different versions concerning the origins of this urban legend and the reasons why it became so widespread, but the most valid, in our opinion it is the fact that it the story plays to the common fear or concern. The adults in our society are afraid to talk about sex among themselves, not even mentioning discussing this topic with their children. Sex is still considered to be something shameful and inappropriate by the considerable part of adults, thus even the smallest possibility that their kids can get more info about it than the parents are ready to give them arises great concern among the parents, educators, and social activists. Our society is afraid of the manifestations of the child and teenage sexuality. The fact that the teenagers who reached pubescence experience sexual emotions and desires seems very scaring and reproachful to most of the adults. Sex is seen as the privilege of the adults, and every teenager has to live through the battle for his/her own sexual life, the battle with his parents, relatives, and the society itself. The thing is that the parents are usually very afraid of their child growing up, of the fact that he/she would be able to survive without their help, that they will become useless to their descendant. For most of us the fact that a person is engaged in sexual activity is a clear sign of the fact that he/she is grown up. People are afraid of the possibility that their children will grow up too quick, too early. The U.S officials proclaim that there is a campaign for our country to discourage teenagers from sex before marriage, but still the statistics says that 54% of girls from 13 to 19 claim that they lead the sexual life. Considering this facts, maybe it is time to admit that people do have instincts, and that maybe it is better not to forbid kids to talk and think about sex, and have sex, but explain them the risks of premature sexual engagement, and explain them the risks of the unprotected sex? When Mr. Anderson was asked to comment on this legend he said that the legend of the Jelly Bracelets is the classical example of the urban legend of the modern times, where access to the information is almost immeasurable, but it is very hard to ensure it is validity. In the given case the legend was transmitted not only   word to mouth, but also by the national media. The specialist ensured that it is the prominent example of the fact that nevertheless the conditions of living changed radically through the last century, people stayed the same. They are ready to believe any story that is fascinating and scary enough. Most of the teenagers who were asked about their thoughts of the situation with the jelly bracelets were resentful at the fact that the adults thought they were so stupid to be engaged in such a game. Those were adults who spread this legend, and who aroused interest from the side of children and teenagers to it, and who are now panicking about it. This legend is a reflection of one of the greatest fears that exist in our society, which is the fear of the children and teenage sexuality.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

MLA Template Essays

MLA Template Essays MLA Template Essay MLA Template Essay Student A. Sample Professor Course 111 17 Month Year Typing Template for MLA Papers This is an electronic template for papers written in MLA style. The purpose of the template is to help the student set the margins and spacing. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. The type is left-justified only†that means the left margin is straight, but the right margin is ragged. Each paragraph is indented five spaces. It is best to use the tab key to indent. The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the works cited page. Only one space is used after punctuation. The font style used in this template is Times New Roman, a font preferred by MLA and most professors in the Humanities disciplines. The font size is 12. You can change the font style if you wish, but it must be an easy to read, professional- appearing font, though we prefer the Times New Roman font. When you are ready to write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start typing. The formatting should stay the same. However, one item that you will have to change is the page header, which is placed at the top of each age along with the page number. The words included in the page header should your last name, so that if the pages are intermixed with other papers they will be identifiable. When using Word 2003, double click on the words in the page header. This should enable you to edit the words. You should not have to edit the page numbers. If you change the font style of the main text of the paper, be sure to change the font style in the header also. In addition to spacing, MLA style includes a special way of citing resource articles. See the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Section 6, (237-260), for detailed information on in-text citations. The MLA Handbook also discusses the desired tone of writing, grammar, punctuation, formatting for numbers, and a variety of other important topics. Although the MLA style rules are used in this template, the purpose of the template is only to demonstrate spacing and the general parts of the paper. The student will need to refer to the MLA Handbook for other format directions. A sample works cited page is included, however, because this page includes special spacing and formatting. The examples n the following page include the only real reference for this paper (the MLA Handbook) and examples taken directly from the MLA Handbook. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2003. Last Name, Authors First Name, and Second Authors First Name and Last Name. Title of Article. Periodical, volume number (year of publication): inclusive pages. Last Name, Authors First Name. Title of Work. Location: Publisher, Publication Date. Note: Detailed information on references can be found in the MLA Handbook, Section

Thursday, November 21, 2019

MIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

MIS - Essay Example ent of the Company are deeply convinced that the new product will increase the profits of the Company by 100 of millions as 100 million shoppers buy from the Wal-Mart every week (Girard, 2003). The reason behind the Wal-Mart’s decision to sell Jeans to Wal-Mart was to target the rich customers and attracting well-off customers requires big brands, the Company, therefore, needed big brands. Levis is a famous high prestigious brand. The customers of Wal-Mart are people from all walks of life and through Levis, the company shall be able to meet the demands of all their customers, including the demands of the new affluent customers. Wal-mart has a high bargaining power. This fact can be attributed to the fact that Levis is facing tremendous pressure on the sales front as its revenue has decreased because of the changing preferences of the customers. The Wal-Mart company, therefore, really needs to target a new customer group through its new product line so as to boost the company earnings and make profits of 100 million dollars. Walmart Company has a well-established supply chain management system that enables it to track the inventory right from the supplier factory up to the warehouse. Suppliers of Wal-Mart need to be upgraded in IT system so as to enable them to track inventory management. 4.What generic strategy (among the following four: (1) broad target / cost leadership, (2) broad target differentiation, (3) focused target / cost leadership, and (4) focused target / differentiation) is Wal-Mart following? Justify your answer. Wal-Mart is guided by the broad target and cost leadership strategy. The company targets a broad range of customers that come from all walks of life. The company distinguishes itself from its rivals on the basis of low costs. An entry barrier is defined as an advantage of established sellers in an industry over potential entrant sellers that is reflected in the extent to which established sellers can easily raise their prices above

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Leadership - Essay Example Although I believe anyone of us could have been a leader, a disinterested examination of my group member’s personality profiles would most likely have found Jessica to be the most likely choice for a leader. Mariam is quite shy, and at times slow or reluctant to voice her opinion or give direct instructions; however, she is very helpful and when approached with a direct issue she quickly overcomes her reclusive nature and can be quite brilliant in problem solving. Xtang is more or less like Mariam; however like her, he would rather take a passive part and follow instructions rather than give them and he rarely initiates actions. He takes any responsibility given to him seriously and spends a lot of time working on the finer details; as a result, he usually finds anything the rest of the team missed. Mitch is very helpful and cool, he is polite and even crisis and looming deadlines do not seem to have any effect on his cool. He is not averse to instructing others on what to do, but he is not very confident in himself this often to his being reluctant to take the initiative. On the other hand, I am a reserved person, and I much rather have someone take charge as I work from the background since being in the middle of things tends to make me a bit anxious and more likely to second-guess myself and others. Finally, there is Jessica; she is the epitome of a leader in that she is highly organized and more aggressive than any of us are. She enjoys  initiating actions and authority seems to come naturally to her, even when she is instructing someone she ensures they are aware of why their task is necessary making it look more like a suggestion than instruction. When we went to the food bank for instance, she made our schedule, and she was very helpful to the other volunteers, she seemed to have internalized all the required information, and we looked up to her whenever confusion in the schedule

Monday, November 18, 2019

PESTEL SWOT ADDISON LEE TAXI company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

PESTEL SWOT ADDISON LEE TAXI company - Essay Example The company’s car hire market is a highly competitive business environment where only the highly successful business companies which provide consistent excellent customers services survive. Addison Lee is one such company, which constantly improves operational performance and more work with the existing resources that they own (Hamm 2004). The company has embraced the latest technology in the market in order to attract and provide good customer outreach in most parts of Europe. This paper looks at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company as well as the political, economic, social-cultural technological, environmental, and legal environment in which the company operates. It has been noted in 2009 that UK is one of the biggest tourist attracting cities in the world. The city of London located in England is the largest city. It has a population of more than 7 million people and receives more than 6 million visitors annually. The country has many historic tourist attraction sites as well as properly established institutions, which forms a model for many other institutions in the world. The political systems in the country as well as the economic systems of business provide a unique environment for businesses to thrive and prosper (Moore 2010). The UK has a traditional of being a capitalist nation, which believes in giving the private sector a chance to develop and grow its portfolio. This is one of the contributing factors to the company’s tremendous growth over the last few years, where the company gained acknowledgement as Europe’s largest taxicab company. In order to attract direct investment in the taxicab business in the country, the country has created an open door policy since the World War 2. One of the main reasons for this motive was to secure financing for modernization with capital liberation as well as provide transport to people who could not be able to acquire their own. The country also provides the needed

Friday, November 15, 2019

There Are Major Approaches Of Leadership Theory Business Essay

There Are Major Approaches Of Leadership Theory Business Essay Virgin was founded in 1970 as a mail-order record business and developed as a private company in music publishing and retaining. Virgin had grown fast, becoming profitable and entering and claiming a significant share of new markets without the traditional trappings of the typical multinational. In 2001 Branson described the virgin group as branded ventures to expand them at the expense of profits. The use of partners provided flexibility and limited risk. Branson and his business development team reviewed about 50 business proposals a week with about four new projects under discussion at any one time. Company profile:- Sir Richard Branson, holding company Virgin Group gets around. The groups travel-related operations, led by 51%-owned Virgin Atlantic Airways, are among its largest cash generators. The airline flies to about 35 destinations around the world with a fleet of almost 40 aircraft. Virgin Atlantic is complemented by its Australian low-fare cousin, Virgin Blue, which operates a fleet of some 80 aircraft. Virgin Group also runs Virgin Rail and sells tour packages. Besides travel and leisure, the groups major operating areas include financial services and telecom (Virgin Media). Leadership:- Leadership culture is defined by the collective action of formal and informal leaders acting together in the help of organizational goals that ultimately marks the difference. When we speak about the leadership it is the both leaders themselves and the relationship among them, the skills and behavior of the leaders are needed to implement the business strategy and create the desired culture. The collective leadership capabilities of the leaders acting together in the groups and across the boundaries to implement strategies. A good leadership strategy takes all of these factors into account. (William and Michael, 2011.) Generating the effort and commitment to work towards objectives is central to managing any human activity. People use the term effective leader to denote someone who brings innovation, moves an activity out of trouble into success, makes a worthwhile difference. They see opportunities to do new things, take initiatives, and inspire people. The most effective leaders will be people who use their energies to accomplish desired results. Leadership will focus on action and implementation. Katz and Kahn (1948). There is general three areas of skill are necessary for the process of management: technical, human and conceptual Technical skill:-ability to use knowledge, methods, techniques, and equipment necessary for the performance of specific tasks, acquired from experience, education and training. Human skills:-ability and judgment in working with and through people. This includes an understanding of motivation and application of effective leadership. Conceptual skills:-ability to understand the complexities of the overall organization and where ones own operation fits into the organization. This knowledge permits one to act according to the objectives of the total organization rather than only on the basis of the goals and needs of ones own immediate group. There are major approaches of leadership theory:- Trait theory:- Trait theory does, however, help us identify some qualities that are helpful when leading others and, together, these emerge as a generalized leadership style. Examples include empathy, assertiveness, good decision-making, and likability. Trait theories argue that leaders share a number of common personality traits and characteristics, and that leadership emerges from these traits. Early trait theories promoted the idea that leadership is an innate, instinctive quality that you either have or dont have. Thankfully, weve moved on from this approach, and were learning more about what we can do as individuals to develop leadership qualities within ourselves and others Behavioral Approach Theory:- The behavioral approach theory is an extension of the traits theory and is superior in certain respects. The traits theory failed to explain what caused effective leadership. The behavioral approach is based on the study of behavior of a leader. This behavioral theory suggests that a leader do not behave in the same manner under all situations. Similarly, his actions are not identical under all situations which he faces. He adjusts his behavior as per the need of the situation. There is an element of flexibility in his approach and behavior. He studies the situation and adjusts his leadership style accordingly. He adopts different leadership styles to meet the need of different situations. Contingency theory of leadership:- Fred Fiedler developed the Contingency Theory of Leadership that determines types of leaders by their characteristics and the situations they find themselves in. The relationship-oriented leader will want to get along with their employees and thus will perform in a way which gains their adoration. This does not take away from the fact that they desire a high level of performance from their employees, but their top priority is to maintain good relationships. The top priority of a task-oriented leader is for their subordinates to complete all tasks and meet all goals. While both styles of leadership can be useful in different contexts, it is important to realize under Fiedlers Contingency Theory it is next to impossible for a relationship Situational leadership theories:- Situational theories of leadership were developed to find good ways of adapting leadership actions to meet the needs of different situations and circumstances. Leadership style here refers to the broad approach adopted by a leader. A leaders style of leadership is often based on a leaders own beliefs, personality, experiences, working environment and the situation at the time. Some leaders work within one leadership style. Others are more flexible and can adapt their style of leadership to meet the needs of different situations. Transactional vs. Transformational leadership theories:- Transactional leadership theory is based on transactions or exchanges between the leader and the follower. It assumes that the working relationship is one where the leader issues the work, praises or criticises, rewards or punishes. The follower has little responsibility, other than doing as they are required, correctly. All works well if both leader and follower carry out their part in the transactions as expected. This approach is more often seen in low skilled jobs, where procedures are clearly defined or where there is little change. Transformational leadership theory is all about change. Transformational leaders inspire others to follow a vision. One reason transformation model is a true development is its goal emphasis. The relationship between the leader and other members of the team isnt of primary importance. Such roles and duties exist because there is an outside something that all wish to reach, and so they take their places and undertake their own necessary tasks. For the first time, those studying leadership began to see it as necessarily being in relation to something greater. Transformational leadership depends on a greater context or meaning, which is something all people desire. Building trust and getting cooperation are far more difficult than giving orders and monitoring process. In transformational leadership, the leader must continue to be an inspiring presence. The leader leads by example and is responsible for motivating others. Richard Branson has got the style of a transformational and charismatic leader, which most of us only dream of working for or with. Sir Richards own opinion on this review of him as a leader, delivered through a two hour long interview of him on his island, sharing a nice bottle of red wine. But that will most probably stay à   dream, as will the wish of working for or with a leader as Sir Richard Branson. Leaders deals with their employees in different ways. Some are strict to the employees and like to be in absolute control on the other side some are more relaxed and allow workers some space to run their own working lives. Whatever approach is predominately used it will be vital to the success of the business. An organization is more or less similar to the Manager or the person running it. Management styles are also known as leadership styles, indeed they are similar phrases most of the time. Different Types of leadership Styles Autocratic Feature Autocratic Managers normally just gives orders to their staff takes decision without any discussion or consultation In these situation decisions are taken very quickly because staff are not consulate. Subordinates other staff are expected to obey the instructions. Impact As the staff does not have any involvement the works are usually completed on time decision are taken faster. Sometimes this kind of management style decrease the motivation also increase the staff turnover because they are not involved in taking any decision neither feel valued. Democratic Feature Unlike in Autocratic leadership style Democratic style employees are involved in taking decision therefore they find themselves valued they are motivated. They have been given responsibilities to finish the work given to them using their own method. However task should be completed on time. This method also improved the quality of staff because they are motivated belonging. Also the management gains team commitment especially when changes need to be made. Impact Although this style of leadership is very famous among businesses this method slows down the process of decision making because the staff is involved. The managers gain the team commitment mostly when changes need to be made. Laissez Faire Feature In Laissez Faire leadership style Managers sets a task gives staff absolute freedom to complete the task taking own decisions. In this leadership style there is very little or almost no direction from the manager. The manager however does not sit idle! They are there to coach or answer questions, supply information if required. Impact Staff fell motivated is developed to take responsibility. But on the other hand with very little guidance from the manager staff may feel lost a may not be able to reach the target within set the time frame. Motivation theory:- Motivation is the force that makes us behave in a particular way. In a business setting motivation is about ensuring that employees put in the effort required to achieve the objectives set for them. Motivation theories:- Over the years a number of leadership theories have been put forward in an attempt to explain the nature of employee motivation and suggest ways in which it may be improved. Frederick Taylors motivation theory:- Taylor was an American engineer who studied production methods in the steel industry. He concluded that workers main motivation was pay and that they needed close supervision. He believed that complex jobs would be most efficiently performed if broken down into separate operations where little could go wrong. The whole job could then be completed in a series of stages by employees working together in production line. Elton Mayo: in the 1920s Mayo conducted a series of experiments at the Hawthorn works of the American Electric Company in Chicago. He was investigating why, despite improved facilities and benefits, there was much dissatisfaction and poor productivity. He concluded that the employees were responding to the attention given to them, rather than to the physical working conditions. Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs:- Maslow believed that motivation comes from a desire to satisfy a hierarchy of human needs which show in diagram. We must first of all satisfy our basic needs for survival such as food and shelter. Thereafter we become interested in higher level needs such as job satisfaction and self -fulfillment. People in developing countries, for example will work hard for low wages because there is little alternative. Maslow accepted that a verity of needs will exist at the same time, but suggested that once lower needs are satisfied then higher become the strongest motivators. Frederick Herzbergs two factor theory:- Frederick Herzbergs two factor theory, produced in the 1950, concerns job design and satisfaction. From numerous interviews with accountants and engineers he concluded that two sets of factors are important in motivation. Hygiene factors motivators Reasonable pay Satisfactory conditions of work Benefits packages such as sick pay, pensions schemes, etc. Without these , people are dissatisfied, but they alone do not lead to job satisfaction or provide motivation Responsibility Challenge Self -improvement These provide job satisfaction and motivate people Douglas McGregors theory X and Y:- In his book, the human side of enterprise, McGregor put forward two extreme views about the way in which organizations manage their employees. He called these theories X and theory Y. Douglas McGregor believed that there were two main ways of managing employees. The theory x The theory y The theory x way, where employees are managed as if they are lazy and need to be punished and threatened if they do not work hard enough. The theory Y way, where employees are managed as if work is a good activity for them and they will feel rewarded from being with other human beings and doing a good job. The type of leadership style that is used with employees can make a difference to the level of motivation that they feel. Some employees may work harder if they are heavily supervised and threatened with punishment if they do not work well, but for others this can lead to de-motivation and they will either produce less work or eventually. McClelland: David McClelland suggested that there are three main types of motivational need:- The need for achievement The need for authority and power The need for affiliation Each employee and leader has differencing levels of these needs, and this influence their style and behavior as leader or employees. Look at the following example. A person who is achievement -motivated wants challenging goals and to be able to reach them. They need to receive feedback on how they are doing and need to feel they are being a success. A person who is authority and power -motivated needs to have a big influence on others and make an impact. They want and need to lead as his helps them feel better about themselves. A person who is affiliation -motivated wants friendly relationships and likes being with other people. They are team players and are often popular at work. As most people possess a mixture of all three sets of characteristics, the style a leader uses in influenced by their dominating need. Vroom:- Victor vroom developed his expectancy theory of motivation, which states that employees work harder if they believe that the outcome of their efforts will be better. He produced an equation that is used to calculate motivation:- M = EÃÆ'-IÃÆ'-V M= motivation E = expectancy I= instrumentality V = valence By multiplying these factors together Vroom says it is possible to work out how motivated someone is likely to be. If each variables is high, then motivations is likely to be high , but if one is low , overall motivation will be lowered. Culture-Culture of an association is the typical way of doing things in the organization. It particularly relates to behavior patterns and relationships. The culture of an organization develops over time. It is created by the people that work for the organization its manager and workforce. Any companys values and beliefs depend on cultures which are shared across the business. Company organizations also effect on its strategy and focus on the consumer. A key factors of the new approach has to change the corporate culture and build an atmosphere within the company those values : consumer facility which focus given that an skill that is agreeable and sociable as well as efficient team work, for the reason that this lead to superior support and the contribution of greatest training attractive ownership used for decision as a result to facilitate manager explain problems themselves rather than pass them on to others respecting every one thus everyone feel they be able to contribute havin g the cut-throat will to succeed thus each person is aim to develop and be successful. Cultural diversity:- The phrase Cultural Diversity means a group of various societies or peoples with different origins, religions and traditions living, working or interacting together. At the best, it involves treating fairly and reasonably each ethnic group without advancing the specific beliefs or values of any particular group. In other words cultural diversity at business is an idea of hiring people of different groups, different religions and encouraging the entry of working staff from various countries. Dimensions of diversity:- Primary dimensions Secondary dimensions Tertiary dimensions Race Ethnicity Gender Age disability religion culture sexual orientation thinking style geographic origin family status economic status political orientation work experience education language nationality beliefs assumptions perceptions attitudes feelings values group norms This table indicates that diversity has many dimensions. These may intertwine to produce unique syntheses of human profiles, made up of both differences and similarities. The dimensions interact with and influence one another and emerge or are displayed differently contexts, environments and circumstances, making analysis and management complex. Race, for example, may be more dominant than age in a certain social situation, but may be less dominant than education in a work context. Thus the position and dominance of each dimension are not static, but dynamic, making the concept of diversity more complex. The secondary dimensions are more malleable and many of them will change over time. Diversity is not simple, not easy to grasp and not easy to mange. By using socio-demographic traits as independent variables to operationalise diversity, most diversity studies has understood diversity as a given, fixed individual or group essence (Litvin 1997). Managing cultural diversity:- Overcoming prejudice and changing entrenched negative attitudes about equality and diversity issues is difficult. Every organization needs to understand the broad nature of the business arguments and ensure actions and initiatives support business goals. They need to move from minimal compliance with legal duties and focus on engaging employees understanding in ways that influence personal behaviors and operational activities regarding the diversity of products and services to meet diverse customer and client needs and preferences. People make the difference at work but everyone is different covers the evolution of the concept, tips for progressive action, case studies and diversity issues in the population. For an organization to gain the full benefits of diversity, a coherent diversity strategy is needed to ensure that all policies and working practices across the business reflect relevant diversity implications. It needs to be supported with a well communicated value system reflec ting the importance of diversity. All employees should be trained to understand and engage with this in the way they do their jobs and work with their colleagues. Diversity strategies need to embrace greater flexibility in both people propositions and customer and client service delivery and take account of the inclusive nature of the work- life balance agenda. Managing diversity also links to ensuring that employee wellbeing is not just a nice to do but an essential element of employee engagement and motivation. Smart employers take account of these issues as key components of their employer brand to support the attraction support and retention of talent. Adler (1997) has identified the following strategies for managing cultural differences. Ignore cultural differences Minimize cultural differences Manage cultural differences Recommendations:- The world keeps changing and providing new kinds of challenges to multinational corporations. This makes it necessary for them to adopt new strategies and new kinds of activities in order to survive and grow in a changing business environment. Virgin will continue to prosper in its global business by integrating the leadership skills and technical abilities of its executives to enable them to develop innovative ideas on how to cope with the diverse conditions in the global market. Another recommendation is for the corporation to eliminate the typical Western bias towards poor countries. The principle is to operate in ways that take into account the expectation of people who are affected by the business. The corporation should also make more efforts to develop native capability. This refers to the recruitment and training of the locals to become global leaders which ultimately will redound to the best interest of the corporation. Conclusion:- With over 25 years in the travel sector and a reputation for delivering unforgettable experiences to millions of Virgin fans, Virgin is a perfect fit for the hotel business. Virgin is a leader in design and hospitality and has transformed businesses ranging from airlines to fitness clubs to super luxury retreats and even space tourism. Customers expect innovation and excellence and our new 4 star hotels will deliver exactly that. Virgin Hotels offers a unique opportunity for property owners and developers to partner with a leading global brand in a highly differentiated hotel proposition that taps into evolving trends in consumer tastes. Virgin hotels aim to re-define the customer journey from pre-arrival to check-out is built on extensive customer research. Hotel valuable target audience includes high income, well-educated, metropolitan business and leisure travellers. We can leverage millions of Virgin flyers to significantly enhance marketing, sales and distribution, and millions of loyalty program members (Virgin America Elevate and Virgin Atlantic Flying Club). In addition, having built large scale, highly profitable businesses, we bring proven operational expertise. References: Ginsburg, F. (2002). Screen memories: Resignifying the traditional in Indigenous media. In F. Ginsburg, L. Abu-Lughod, and B.Larkin (Eds.),  Media Worlds: Anthropology on a New Terrain  (pp.39-57). Berkeley: University of California Press. Mullins L.J., 2007, Management and organizational behaviour, Pearson Education Ltd, GB, PP 166 Niezen Ronald A world beyond difference Blackwell Publishing 2004 Peter F.Drucker, the practice of management (New York: Harper Row, 1954).see also Allen Richard L.Draft, Management, 3rd ed. (Fort Worth, TX: Dryden Press, 1993), p.493. Smith, M. Smith, M. (2002). Globalization the encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved August 27, 2006 James D.Thompson, Mcdonals in action, 1967. Michael E. Potter, competitive Strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors 1980. Robert OQuinn and Kim Cameron, Mcdonald Life Cycles and Shifting Criteria of Effectiveness 1983. Rahul Jacob, Corporate Reputations, 1995, 54-67 William Warned, lessons of value -Driven Leadership, 1995.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Puritan Society In Hesters Life :: essays research papers

The Godly beliefs and punishments followed by the Puritans stemmed from their English experience and complete involvement in religion. The Puritan society molded itself and created a government based upon the Bible and implemented it with force. Hester’s act of adultery was welcomed with rage and was qualified for serious punishment. Boston became more involved in Hester’s life after her crime was announced than it had ever been before—the religious based, justice system formally punished her and society collectively tortured her. Based upon the religious, governmental, and social design of the society, Hester’s entire existence revolved around her sin and the Puritan perception thereof; this association breaks way to society significantly becoming involved in her life. The importance of a social framework for the new society, where the Church would be all encompassing, developed from the teachings of such religious reformers as John Wycliffe and John Calvin. The Church would be directly involved in the running of the community and its regime. Enforcing such laws established by scripture read from the Bible, the government disciplined Hester for her committed sin. The Puritans considered the Bible as the â€Å"true law of God that provided guidelines for church and government†. They wished to shape the Church of England to meet their ideals, emphasizing Bible reading, prayer, and preaching in worship services. They simplified the ritual of the sacraments and also wanted more personal and fewer prescribed prayers. The Puritans stressed grace, devotion, prayer, and self-examination to achieve religious virtue while including a basic knowledge of unacceptable actions of the time. Obtaining virtue was expected to secure order and peace within the Puritan community. The Church officials, who played a direct role in the government, calculated the penalties for various sins. When sins arose, the government took the role as chief executive of corrective punishment and instituted castigation. Hester found herself very much a part of the local Church and government’s heavy hand. Everyone was aware of her sinful act, for she was placed on a scaffold amidst the entire people for a painful viewing. The religious morals instilled in the Puritan society caused her much pain long after the public humiliation. Permanently â€Å"symbolized as a sinner†, Hester was branded for life with a cloth letter worn on her bosom. For years after the letter was first revealed on the scaffold, Hester was associated with the sin and the scarlet letter. Because the Puritans contoured religion, social life, and government together, each member of the society was involved in the religion, social life, and government—everybody in Boston saw the â€Å"A† on Hester’s chest in the same light.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Attitude Toward Quality Of Community Health And Social Care Essay

This chapter presents the design and research methodological analysis that was implemented to look into attitudes toward quality of community pharmaceutics services of consumer position in London. It is besides included research doctrines, research attacks, research designs, research method and informations aggregation. Finally, this chapter describes the instruments for informations aggregation and informations analysis process.3.2 RESEARCH PHILOSOPHYResearch doctrine can be defined as the development of the research background, research cognition and its nature ( Saunders and Thornhill, 2007 ) . Research doctrine defined with the aid of research paradigm. Research doctrine guides how the research is to be conducted ( Gliner and Morgan, 2000:17 ) Figure 3.1 The research onion M05NF001 Beginning: The research procedure ‘onion ‘ ( Saunders et al. , 2009 ) In direction research which province of Saunder et Al ( 2009 ) There are four research doctrines which are positivism, pragmatism, interpretivism and pragmatism ( see Figure 3.1 ) .3.2.1 PositivismThe Positivism construct is straight associated with objectivism which are collapsible shelters to roll up general information and information from a big sample of societal alternatively of concentrating on research inside informations. Ester-by-smith et Al 2006, province Positivism attack to roll up the informations chiefly related to observations and experiment. It is a free position which has a certain valued place which could be somewhat biased3.2.2 RealismRealism doctrine chiefly belief of world that are already bing in the environment. There are two chief attacks in pragmatism, which believing direct and critical pragmatism that what we sense are in direct relation to our esthesiss, it is lone portion of a bigger image.3.2.3 InterpretivismIn the field of direction research interpretiv ism can be referred as the societal constructionism. This philosophical attack research gives importance to their beliefs and value to give equal justification for a research job. Some writers use the term phenomenological instead than inter pretivist but a term of philosophical do some people confuse with a methodological analysis known as phenomenology ( Collis and Hussey, 2003 p. 47 )3.2.4 PragmatismPragmatism usage in any research can non find that which one doctrine should be used or which is better. Pragmatism is a assorted methods ( Saunder, 2009:110 ) . Harmonizing to Tashakkori and Teddie ( 1998 ) pragmatism contend the base on experiencing instead than facts or cogent evidence approaching.3.2.4 Research Philosophy JustificationFor this research, â€Å" Positivism â€Å" paradigm is the best tantrum to research job because it investigates the attitude toward quality of community pharmaceutics service of consumer position in London. Base on the Gallic Philosopher August Co mte, province that positivism paradigm agencies of understanding human behaviors.3.3 RESEARCH APPROACHResearch attack means the manner in which the research worker will form their research in effectual manner base on two attacks as shown in the given figure 3.2 Figure 3.2 Deductive and Inductive ApproachTax write-offInitiationBeginning: Create by the writer, 2013 adopted from Wyk ( PowerPoint research design and methods part1 )3.3.1 Deductive attackHussey and Hussey ( 1997:19 ) have explained the deductive attack as survey of theoretical and conceptual construction. It tested by empirical observation. Deductive attack stairss are theory, hypothesis, observation and verification informations ( see figure 3.2 ) .3.3.2 Inductive attackInductive attack is a survey of developed from the observation of empirical world to bring forth of Torahs or general form ( Hussey and Hussey, 1997 ; 13 ) . The measure of the inductive attack are observation, forms and create theory. Some research can unite utilize both inductive and deductive attacks. ( Convaye1996 ; 236 ) which the research worker can derive several advantages.3.3.3 Research Approach JustificationThis research uses the deductive attack because the survey is based on upon the bing theory with respect to measuring and experimental the attitude of the consumer or patient. This research is related to the positivism paradigm because the deductive attack is used to give acceptable concluding for a the fact and base on bing ordinances, regulation and jurisprudence ( Crowther and Lancaster, 2009 )RESEARCH DESIGNResearch design is the procedure to bespeak what type of survey was undertaken to supply acceptable answer the research inquiry. Research design needs to stipulate the beginning of the informations aggregation and demo the right ground for taking the design. There are three types of research design ; explorative research, explanatory research and descriptive research ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) ( se e figure 3.3 ) . Figure 3.3 The categorization of research intent. Beginning: Created by writer,2013 adopted from Saunders et al,2009 Exploratory research Exploratory research helps to ease the job. It is widely used in the direction research. If any information occur, the research can set or alter into the new way. The manner to carry on explorative research for illustration a hunt of literature, carry oning focal point group interviews and to interview experts. Explanation research Explanation research is a survey of the relationship between variable ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) , to propose to alter and give grounds for events ( Hart, 2006 ) 3.4.3 Descriptive research Descriptive surveies report aim to depict a common and uncommon phenomenon by detecting the the elements and study frequences, mean and per centum. ( Glatthorn and Joyner, 2005 ; 43 ) ( Hart, 2006 )3.4.4 Research design justificationThe the type of research which is the most appropriate for this research is explanatory, due to the fact that this research is evaluated of client ‘s position in community pharmaceutics services.3.5 RESEARCH METHODResearch Method is specific techniques use to roll up informations with regard to the research job. In direction research is divided into two types as figure 3.4 Figure 3.4 Types of research method Beginning: Create by the writer, 2013 adopted from Saunders et Al, 2009 3.5.1 Quantitative derives from a rationalist epistemology, which holds that there is an nonsubjective. Typically, the quantitative research emphasizes surveies the that are experimenting and hunt for a relationship. If a survey has used a quantitative position † variable, controls, dependability, hypothesis, statistically important. 3.5.2 Qualitative is a systematic, subjective attack usage to depict life experience and state of affairs and give them intending ( Munhall, 2007 ) . Qualitative research emphasizes a phenomenological position in which research of single It â€Å" embraces the position that every bit far as peoples ‘ position are concerned, there is on one individual truth â€Å" ( Hurtley and Muhit 2003 ; 103-104 ) . In other word, different people interpret things otherwise, in different topographic points at different times.3.5.3 Research Method justificationFor this survey will follow a â€Å" Quantitative â€Å" research as it intends to research consumer ‘s position in service of community pharmaceutics in London. Hence, the writer has chosen quantitative research as it the lone method that seeks to happen the reply to research inquiries related to people ‘s attitudes and beliefs, in giving contextual scene by utilizing an unfastened – terminal questionnaire3.6 RESE ARCH STRATEGIESTypically, research scheme picks will be conducted by nonsubjective and research inquiries, clip, cognition, and handiness of resource ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) . There are many research schemes that can be used in research such as Experiment ( which normally use in pure scientific research ) Action research ( normally in field experiment ) Grounded theory ( which help to explicate and foretell behavior by constructing through deductive and inductive ) Case survey ( which try to understand the existent life context and utilize a assorted of informations ) Archival research ( which focus on the past papers and administrative records ) Ethnography ( usually use with a phenomenological methodological analysis to detect of human activity forms ) Survey ( normally use with quantitative methods and big volumes of informations ) . The study scheme normally uses in concern and direction research with deductive attack. The study scheme allows the research worker to roll up quantitative informations. The research worker demand to guarantee that the sample represent the population, design and pilot instrument for roll uping the information will supply a good responds rate. ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) . There are many types of studies such as Personal Interview Surveys, Telephone studies, Mail studies and On-line studies. Figure 3.5 Comparative advantage/disadvantage of mail, telephone, interview and online study Beginning: create by the writer, 2013 adopted signifier www.zeepedia.com3.6.1 Research Strategy justificationThis research survey is influenced by a positivism paradigm, therefore, a study would be used to accomplish the aim of research in quantitative method. The study type that research worker usage is online and manus bringing aggregation.3.7 DATA COLLECTION METHODIs a specific technique usage to roll up informations with related to the research job. It depends on what type of information that needed to analyze in the research. In this research, the writer selects chiefly two methods. Fist informations aggregation method is a questionnaire for roll uping a primary information to construe and analyze determination by doing a critical analysis, mentioning to the theory and pattern. Questionnaire study is less time-consuming and cheaper than interviews, extra it is a popular for roll uping informations ( Collis and Hussey, 2003:174 ) . The 2nd research method is an observation on the medical service diary and client outlook has been done in order to organize the inquiries by looking at type of service, merchandise and criterion of druggist competencies in community pharmaceutics that are offered or need to be fitting demand of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain ( RPSGB ) . The writer has conducted the study by utilizing self-administered questionnaires which are closed inquiries. Harmonizing to Collis and Hussey ( 2003 ) close inquiry should be used in positive attack. There are assorted ways to roll up data.These include postal studies which can be used to roll up informations when the questionnaire are easy to understand and reply ( Holt,1997 ) .Another drawback of this method is one of the lowest response rates ( Tan,2002 ) .The postal study was non adopted in this research.Personal interview was non used because the limited dependability and repeatability of research survey and this method demand trained skill interviewers. ( Tan,2002 ) .For information aggregation method of this survey manus delivered and online questionnaires conducted at different location in cardinal of London from 25th January 2013 to 9th February 2013. This on-line study was conducted by utilizing the SurveyMonkey which provides package to roll up informations. The questionnaire on-line will direct to the participant through Facebook or Twitter fan page, electronic mailing study and Web link ( SurveyMonkey, 2012 )3.7.1 Questionnaire designThe questionnaires divided into two subdivisions. The subdivision one was designed with comprised statements sing the quality of community services. The 2nd subdivision required the respondents to supply information about their background and demographics for case gender, age, income, cultural beginning, instruction, etc. A transcript of the questionnaire is shown in Appendix ASection 1. Question about Attitude toward quality of community pharmaceutics services.The inquiry will be divided into three constructs objective of the rating on measuring quality which identifies by Donabedian ‘s Theory of Quality wellness attention ; construction, procedure and result. It consisted of 24 inquiries a nd one inquiry ask about How do they normally use their pharmaceutics.The contents of the quality: constructionStaffsA specialized druggist is present at the pharmaceutics Sufficient staffs are availableFacilitiesdegree Celsius ) The waiting countries are comfy and convenience for the services vitamin D ) Consultation room is provided for a private treatment3. Topographic pointsvitamin E ) The pharmaceutics is clean degree Fahrenheit ) The pharmaceutics layout is clear and good organized4. Merchandisesg ) The medical specialties or contraptions are in stock H ) Many picks of wellness merchandise such as a nutritionary addendum, milk pulverization, medical supply, etc. are availableThe contents of quality: ProcedureGeneral servicesa ) Polite and take the clip to listen to what you want B ) Answer any questions you may hold2. Essential servicesdegree Celsiuss ) Provide advice on a current wellness the job or a long- term wellness status vitamin D ) Provide general advice on healthy life styles vitamin E ) Keep patient medicine records efficaciously H ) Provide clear label of medical specialties I ) Dispose of the medical specialties that the patients no longer necessitate3. Complementary wellness servicesdegree Fahrenheit ) Offer services such as blood force per unit area measuring or cholesterin testing, etc. g ) Offer complementary wellness service such as stylostixis, needle exchange strategies, influenza inoculation, etc.The content of quality: ResultClinical resultIncrease benefit of the medicine usage Reduce the hazard of safety of medicine usage Better your understanding about medical specialty Better your quality of lifeCostProvide medical specialties with the sensible monetary valueSatisfactionSupply an efficient service Supply a satisfactory service The questionnaire consisted close-ended inquiries and were constructed utilizing the Likert graduated table. Harmonizing to Collis and Hussey, ( 2003:184 ) the advantage of Likert graduated table is easy for the respondent to finish the statement by bespeaking their degree of sentiment and easy for the research worker to analyze the information or cryptography. The Numberss were imputed to each ground tackle, for a statistical analysis intent. The ground tackles use in Section one were: Strongly agree ( = 5 ) ; Agree ( = 4 ) ; Undecided ( = 3 ) ; Disagree ( =2 ) ; Strongly disagree ( =1 ) .Section 2. Participant itemThe socio- demographic inquiry is about gender, age, cultural beginning, business, education income and how long the participant has been populating in the UK.3.7.2 Survey bundleA screen missive for presenting the aim and the subject of the survey was delivered to each of the questionnaires ( see Appendix B ) . The missive provided an option for the participant to hold a transcript of the survey consequences and voluntary for replying the question.The participants were asked to return the completed questionnaire by research worker collection every bit early as possible.3.7.3 Pilot trialHarmonizing to Offredy and Vickes ( 2010 ) The ground of running pilot trial is that to prove the informations aggregation instruments including method and sampling in order to work out the job before the chief survey was implement.The questionnaire was pre-tested by 5 participants in order to evaluated possible barriers and to guarantee that it is comprehendible and coherent.There are remarks on the questionnaire were that some inquiry were hard to understand, some inquiry were repetitive.The statement of inquiry were reworded to better upon the pre-test questionnaires.Some participants besides suggested to do it shorter and more appealing by rearranging the questionnaire layout.3.7.4 CogencyThe content of questionnaire cogency was checked by in Pharmacy Practice. The cogency was revised before and after carry oning the pilot trial.3.8 Sampling TechniqueThere are two different ways can be used in the sampling techniques ( Saunders et al ; 2009 ) : chance and non-probability Figure 3.6 Sampling techniques. C07NF002 Beginning: Create by Saunder et Al, 20093.8.1 Probability SamplingTypically, usage for survey-based experimental research schemes ( Saunders et al ; 2009 ) . The population in chance sampling can be classified to random sampling, stratified random sampling and bunch sampling.3.8.2 Non- chance samplingThis alternate technique that selects the sample base on research subjective opinion ( Saunders et Al ; 2009 ) . This technique is easier to generated and less cost ( Jackson ; 2012 ) . Rubin and Babbie ( 2001 ) stat that it is normally used in qualitative research.The non-probability sampling can be used in research that follows mix method, quantitative and qualitative research designs.The drawback of non-probability techniques is an unequal opportunity of being included in the sample ( Fox and Bayat ( 2007:59 ) . The most popular non- chance trying such as convenience or handiness sampling, purposive sampling, self-selective sampling, quota sampling and sweet sand verbena sampling.3.8. 3 Justification of sample techniqueThe most appropriate for this research is non-probability techniques and used a convenient sampling of grownup work forces and adult females who live in London.3.9 SAMPLE SIZEThe choice of the sample for this study was based on non-probability sampling, utilizing an inadvertent sampling technique or sometime call convenience trying technique or haphazard sampling. Harmonizing to Saunder et Al ( 2009 ) there are no regulation for all non-probability sampling technique except for quota sample. In peculiar, the sample size is depending on research aim and inquiries what will be suited for the research survey within available resource ( Patton 2002 ) . Creswell ( 2007 ) recommends that, expected interviews which undertaken for general survey is between 25 and 30 interviews. There are many expressions for ciphering the require sample size.According to Anderson et Al. ( 2009 ) determined the expression as Figure 3.7 Figure 3.7 Sample size for an Interval Estimate of Population Proportion expression formula2.jpg Beginning: Created by Andeson et al.,2009Calculation for minimal sample sizeNs = 1.96 2 * ( .5 ) * ( 1-.5 ) 0.1 2 n = 96 In 2011, London population about 8.2 million with approximative 3.2 million people lived interior London and 4.9 million were staying in outer London ( London poorness profile, 2012 ) . Due to restriction of this survey with time-limited, the research worker could non attempt big figure of sample size.The sample size of this survey approximates 100 samples3.10 Data processing of questionnaire studyOnce the informations have been collected and checked, analyzing of the informations will be arranged.They were coded and entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS 17.0 ) . Socio-demographic informations: gender, ages, cultural beginning, instruction, income were selected for independent variables. In order to find the socio- demographic information for this research, descriptive statistic such as frequence and per centum was calculated. Attitudes toward quality of community pharmaceutics were coded strongly agree = 5, agree = 4, undecided = 3, disagree = 2 and strongly differ = 1 ) . Descriptive statistic such as mean, frequence, per centum and criterion variable was calculated. The association between socio-demographic features ( independent variable ) and attitude toward quality of community pharmaceutics services ( dependent variable ) was assessed for statistical significance utilizing the chi-square trial of association harmonizing to the aim of this research.3.11 EthicThe writer should be cognizant about ethical concerns when the the research was undertaken ( Diedericks,2012 & A ; Saunder et al.,2009 ) .The questionnaire were conducted a clear history of intent, utilizing appropriate linguistic communication that is simple to understand by participants. All informations collected will stay anon. and confidential.All paper informations roll uping usage will be destroyed by chopped paper machine. Every participant has right to retreat at any clip while finishing the questionnaires. The participant no demand to make full their names or identifiers were on the questionnaires. All informations are safely stored in a password-protected computing machine.3.12 DecisionThis chapter explains the research methodological analysis which is used in this research.In sum-up, the overall methodological analysis is based on positivism philosophy.It is more subjective instead than nonsubjective and deductive attack in footings of theory testing is implemented.Quantitative method employs the attitude questions.Data sampling and informations collection and analysis method besides reference and presented in the Figure 3.8 Figure 3.8 Represents the research procedure for this research Beginning: Created by the writer, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2019

Boyles Law Worked Sample Chemistry Problem

Boyle's Law Worked Sample Chemistry Problem If you trap a sample of air and measure its volume at different pressures (constant temperature), then you can determine a relation between volume and pressure. If you do this experiment, you will find that as the pressure of a gas sample increases, its volume decreases. In other words, the volume of a gas sample at constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure. The product of the pressure multiplied by the volume is a constant: PV k or V k/P or P k/V where P is pressure, V is volume, k is a constant, and the temperature and quantity of gas are held constant. This relationship is called Boyles Law, after Robert Boyle, who discovered it in 1660. Key Takeaways: Boyle's Law Chemistry Problems Simply put, Boyles states that for a gas at constant temperature, pressure multiplied by volume is a constant value. The equation for this is PV k, where k is a constant.At a constant temperature, if you increase the pressure of a gas, its volume decreases. If you increase its volume, the pressure decreases.The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.Boyles law is a form of the Ideal Gas Law. At normal temperatures and pressures, it works well for real gases. However, at high temperature or pressure, it is not a valid approximation. Worked Example Problem The sections on the General Properties of Gases and Ideal Gas Law Problems may also be helpful when attempting to work Boyles Law problems. Problem A sample of helium gas at 25Â °C is compressed from 200 cm3 to 0.240 cm3. Its pressure is now 3.00 cm Hg. What was the original pressure of the helium? Solution Its always a good idea to write down the values of all known variables, indicating whether the values are for initial or final states. Boyles Law problems are essentially special cases of the Ideal Gas Law: Initial: P1 ?; V1 200 cm3; n1 n; T1 T Final: P2 3.00 cm Hg; V2 0.240 cm3; n2 n; T2 T P1V1 nRT (Ideal Gas Law) P2V2 nRT so, P1V1 P2V2 P1 P2V2/V1 P1 3.00 cm Hg x 0.240 cm3/200 cm3 P1 3.60 x 10-3 cm Hg Did you notice that the units for the pressure are in cm Hg? You may wish to convert this to a more common unit, such as millimeters of mercury, atmospheres, or pascals. 3.60 x 10-3 Hg x 10mm/1 cm 3.60 x 10-2 mm Hg 3.60 x 10-3 Hg x 1 atm/76.0 cm Hg 4.74 x 10-5 atm Source Levine, Ira N. (1978). Physical Chemistry. University of Brooklyn: McGraw-Hill.